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Latest software update from last night.


Well-known member
Authorized Kaleidescape Dealer
K pushed out a update for those using the K switch between a Strato and Premiere system. 10.17964 I think

Unfortunately they hosed my Strao/Premiere linked system in the process.

Now every time you want to watch a disc from the Premiere system the Strato shuts down.

You would think they would push out s update on a Monday when tech support would be available.

It was working fine before the update and now it doesn't.
Need more details - How exactly do you know the Strato shuts down if you are watching your Premiere system? Lights on the front or something else? When you switch back does the Strato still work?


Strato and M300 in a premiere system are paired.

Bring up the Strato menu which also shows the premiere system movies.

Select a movie on the premiere system and the Strato immediately powers down and stays that way.

Was working fine prior to the update.

Tried un-pairing and repairing same thing.

Tried pairing the Strato to the server same thing happened.

Could be hardware failure, but it seems to coincidental for the problem starting to appear after the update.

Unpaired the systems and I am currently just using the Strato system for demos.

Strato would not feed the TV until I unpaired it.
OK, that is a big issue for you. When you say you have to un-pair before you can watch anything on the Strato you are talking about going in the browser and picking "Dsconnect Paired System". Correct?

I agree that this does sound like it is related to the Kos and not hardware. I would call or send an email directly to Kaleidescape support.

I am on version 10.0.0-17603 on my Strato so I can't comment on the new version that you received. Maybe others will chime in....

Hmm, mines on 17692, updated 9-22.

All working fine.