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Well-known member
Authorized Kaleidescape Dealer
Dear Kaleidescape Customer,

We are pleased to announce that 4K HDR movies from Twentieth Century Fox are now available on the Kaleidescape Movie Store. Kaleidescape delivers these movies in the finest video quality available for home cinema, and with lossless multichannel soundtracks. They can be played on any Kaleidescape Strato or Strato C movie player.

Twentieth Century Fox brings an incredible lineup of 4K HDR titles. Available on the store today, you will find the award-winning films The Martian and The Revenant, box office blockbusters Deadpool and Logan, and hits from the X-Men and Maze Runner sci-fi franchises. With a growing catalog of 4K HDR content, we expect to add 15 more 4K HDR films from Twentieth Century Fox before the end of this year.

We’re excited to add Twentieth Century Fox to our growing 4K library, and to continue to offer you the best movies in the best quality for your home.


Cheena Srinivasan
Founder & CEO
Kaleidescape, Inc.
For reference, there are ~36 Fox UHD BD titles.

K launched 9. 9 + 15 is only 24/36 by year's end. Not sure what new releases Fox may still announce coming up as well.

iTunes has ~26 Fox titles in UHD/HDR, plus ~5 more in UHD only, right now.
For titles I have purchased in HD, the upgrade price is expensive. But will purchase a few select titles and anything going forward. Thanks K for making this happen and now bring on Paramount! SJ
No uv rights again. And the audio is not Atmos. The default audio format for uhd is Atmos or dtsx, but Fox 4k in Kstore is regular surround. Not sure when/if they will update.

This is not the way to treat premium customers.
Totally agree, would never purchase a 4K HDR audio format with 5.1 when the Blu-ray disc has Dolby Atmos. The no UV rights from Fox is a real bummer. I have already purchased the 4k Blu-ray discs and would not purchase them again to get them on my Strato. it is interesting how different the studios deal with their audio tracks and UV rights.
Hopefully these will show up in the Canadian store as well.

Great to see more titles and studios now onboard, and I think we all appreciate all the effort and hard work by Kaleidescape to make this happen. But it is disappointing that no upgrade path or uv rights are available. It is a difficult decision to spend $30 when you have already spent $25 to $30 on the blu-ray quality version. Not many titles warrant $60 to get the UHD/HDR version. I guess my strategy for the future will be to avoid the blu-ray quality version unless I am sure the UHD/HDR version is not available or coming. More studios need to follow Warner’s (and sometimes Sony’s) lead with upgrade availability. I have upgraded almost every title when that option is there, but refuse to pay full price for another, albeit (hopefully) improved version, of something that I already own, unless it is something really special. It seems like a lost opportunity for both the studios and Kaleidescape.

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I think some of these may be DTSx as there is no listing of that on known titles.
I thought I posted this earlier, but doesn't appear in the thread, so repeating again.

Not sure how many times we have to remind people that the formats that make it into the Store are STUDIO driven, NOT KALEIDESCAPE.

If and when the Studios provide updated versions (4K, HDR, Atmos, etc), they will be added to the Store. Kaleidescape has made this clear, many, many times. Logically, if you're a company that builds a product line capable of offering the very best in audio and video, and market it that way, then you would certainly want to offer your client base the very best available from the Studios, which is exactly what Kaleidescape does just as soon as it's available and they can get it into the Store.

This is not actually aimed at anyone, just a general reminder that Kaleidescape is constantly working to offer the best content available.

That makes perfect sense Jim. I think they have done a fantastic job, and especially so given the challenges they face. I'm sure they are working hard to get us the best possible results.
I think everyone who has been using K for sometime knows that it is the studios that control these things. But this hurts the experience as a whole regardless of who is ultimately responsible. The cost of movies is no less than and in most cases more than a physical disk. But many times, buying through K does not come with UV/DMV, inferior audio than disk etc.

Regardless of who is the reason for this, Studios, distributors or K, the experience is not whole. I want a backup, especially since the issues of last year. Give me UV rights, DMV and full audio as in disc on release day with early release and I will never buy another disc again. The target audience for K deserves that much. That would be true for many more folks. This benefits K as well as studios and consumers. Talk about a win all around.

While I understand studios control many of the aspects of this, that does not make it any less painful. What’s is the point of getting early releases if the audio is not the highest quality and format? Many times Vudu gets the early releases with full audio, albeit not true lossless.

If regular surround was sufficient, I would stick with iTunes and vudu. There is a reason why many folks go for K and that is the full xperience that includes all of the above. Regardless of who is at fault or who is responsible, if this is fixed, it will lead to more satisfied customers, more sales for K and the studios. The only folks who can even work on it is K, the studios won’t do it on their own as they don’t seem to care bout this. If they did, we wouldn’t be here in the first place.
Many times Vudu gets the early releases with full audio, albeit not true lossless.

This is exactly the crux of the audio issue. Kaleidescape is the only online content delivery platform that is delivering lossless audio. Everybody else is delivering lossy audio. What this means is that we are, in effect, asking for an entirely new workflow at the studio (or their content finishing house), just for us.

Each studio is different, with different factors that affect their ability to deliver what we're asking for. As Jim said, we are working on this with every licensor, all the time.
People need to keep in mind the history of UHD movies on Kaleidescape. All except for Sony debuted without Dolby Atmos shound. Warner now consistently has Atmos on new releases and Universal Atmos sound is being added after the initial release. I am going to assume until proven otherwise that Fox will be the same.

Also, the only titles in the store from Fox that have Atmos sound on UHD disc are:
The Martian
X-Men: Apocalypse

All the rest are versions of DTS-HD MA.

I am very pleased that Fox has been added and also nice to see pre-orders of "War for the Planet of the Apes" and "Kingsman: The Golden Circle".

Thanks for the response Mike and Jim. I know K is working on it and hopefully it gets done sooner rather than later. If I were to take advantage of early releases, it needs to come with full audio. Otherwise the purpose is lost. I am sure I am not the only one in this boat.

The other issue also is that even though audio gets updated later, it means downloading the full movie again. Bandwidth caps play into this as well.

Hopefully all of these get sorted out soon.

Any idea on UV/DMA for all studios?

In case it is not obvious, I am excited for Fox in the store and looking forward to paramount. Hopefully all these issues will get sorted out soon.
I don't gripe often, but now I have a gripe.

I pre-ordered War for the Planet of the Apes months ago, July 14. I placed my pre-order before Fox HDR was announced, so of course it is pre-ordered in Blu Ray. Now, to get the HDR version, I have to spend an additional $30? This in light of the fact that I have not yet received the blu ray version and, had I not pre-ordered in the first place, it would cost me only $30 for both versions?

In circumstances where we pre-order movies, and a higher quality version becomes available prior to the release date, we should be able to switch our pre-order to the newer version.
Not to worry!

You can always cancel a pre-ordered title from your purchase history. I believe there will also be an email shortly alerting customers who have similar pre-orders to the opportunity to switch to 4K via a simple process, but if you want you can just cancel your order and pre-order the 4K copy while you’re thinking about it.
Thanks Mike - outstanding service! Just saw the email this morning.
Thanks again Mike. That was super easy. Sorry for the gripe. I have never been to that web page on the store before, and didn't realize there was a way to cancel a pre-order.

My combo HDR blue ray is pre-ordered!