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480i hdmi problem?

HDMI output 576 i/50 with jagged edges

Hi Kartono,

I'll pass this info along to support!


Hi Jim,

When outputting hdmi 567i/50 to DVDO VP50 there is still jagged edges.
Besides that the hdmi 480i/60 with Calibre VHD also has the same problem i.e jagged edges.
Fyi the firmware is KEAOS 3.4.

Hi Jim,

When outputting hdmi 567i/50 to DVDO VP50 there is still jagged edges.
Besides that the hdmi 480i/60 with Calibre VHD also has the same problem i.e jagged edges.
Fyi the firmware is KEAOS 3.4.


K is aware of this, and from what I saw in some testing with them recently, I "believe" k has been able to fix this issue. We should hopefully see the fix show up in one of the next couple of updates.

The 480i out problem should be resolved, although hdmi in general still presents some challenges.

If anyone is still experiencing 480i/hdmi issues, please post here and describe your equipment and what you are seeing on the screen.

I currently have a Sim2 C3X-E and am about to upgrade to a Sim2 C3X 1080. I do not have a video processor. I was wondering what are the best video modes I should use for each of these projectors.

I know I can select a different video mode for each of the following: User Interface, NTSC 16:9 widescreen DVD, NTSC 4:3 DVD.

What do you recommend I select? 480i? 480p? 720p60 (for the C3X-E) or 1080i (for the C3X 1080)? Or should I just go with "select automatically"?

I just tried 480i and it looked terrible -- tons of jaggies. Any idea if this will be fixed in the upcoming software release?
I currently have a Sim2 C3X-E and am about to upgrade to a Sim2 C3X 1080. I do not have a video processor. I was wondering what are the best video modes I should use for each of these projectors.

I know I can select a different video mode for each of the following: User Interface, NTSC 16:9 widescreen DVD, NTSC 4:3 DVD.

What do you recommend I select? 480i? 480p? 720p60 (for the C3X-E) or 1080i (for the C3X 1080)? Or should I just go with "select automatically"?

I just tried 480i and it looked terrible -- tons of jaggies. Any idea if this will be fixed in the upcoming software release?

When you say you "just tried 480i...," what step (drop down menu) are you referring to?

Both of those displays are 16:9. You don't mention this, but I'm assuming you have a U.S. display, so Yes, you would use the NTSC settings (16:9).

Are you using HDMI as your connection? If so the K will automatically use the "plug-and-play" capability of HDMI unless you elect to set (force) your own output by selecting the appropriate checked boxes under HDMI in step #2.

In general, I'd start with 720p for the C3Xe, and select 1080i for the new C3X1080. This way you are using the C3Xe's internal processing and using the deinterlacing of the C3X1080p (K will have already scaled it). Of course feel free to try different settings to see what affect it has on the image. You cannot hurt anything and you can always change it back.

(Read the "Help with this step" comments available for each step for more information.)

I have Sim2's HT5000 (and have a C3X1080p on the way for testing) and have no problem with 480i content, which is why I'm asking about the 480i setting you mention (it could also be some processing issue with K and the C3Xe). I'm assuming you have the latest software version from K.

480i no-go with Lumagen Radiance

I just recently got my new Lumagen RadianceXD processor on-line and thought I'd have a go to see if 480i HDMI worked now (it never did with my HDP Pro). Nope, same issue. The UI is super jagged. 480p works fine and that's what I've been using for a long time. I'm using a KPlayer 2500, not the new 5000.
Paul, has your system received the v3.5 software?
Huh. My system says:

The system upgraded to software version 3.4.3-3533 on August 17.

Now why wouldn't I have gotten 3.5?

ps. It's Phil, not Paul...

I don't have version 3.5 yet either. The last time my system updated was September 1.

I'm not sure exactly when 3.5 is being released, but it will be soon. You may find it fixes some of these 480i HDMI problems.

ps. It's Phil, not Paul...
Ug, how embarrassing! Sorry Phil, I knew that. Hope I didn't blow that invite to see your amazing theater... :rolleyes:
Latest email from K support (a couple of days ago) indicated they will start updating customer servers beginning January 2008. The process usually takes a few months to install on all servers.

There are some fixes but I'm not sure if the 480i problem with the Radiance is one of them. I do know that there is a fix available because I worked with K's tech folks with my Radiance and the change they made worked when tested with my unit. So hang in there!

(BTW, my assistance was limited to changing a couple of parameters in the server and testing the result (which did get rid of the "jaggies" you reported). Don't want it to sound as though K needs my help, or uses me to help resolve issues. They are fully capable of doing this on their own.:))

576i/50 ( Pal ) hdmi out is jagged

The 480i out problem should be resolved, although hdmi in general still presents some challenges.

If anyone is still experiencing 480i/hdmi issues, please post here and describe your equipment and what you are seeing on the screen.


Hi Jim,

Even with 3.5 firmware the 576i /50 ( Pal ) hdmi output is still jagged.
There is no issue with 576p/50 hdmi out.
Fyi we use DVDO VP50Pro with the Kaleidescape.

Kartono Ali
Hi Jim,

Even with 3.5 firmware the 576i /50 ( Pal ) hdmi output is still jagged.
There is no issue with 576p/50 hdmi out.
Fyi we use DVDO VP50Pro with the Kaleidescape.

Kartono Ali

Hi Kartono,

I just sent along your info to K. I know the DVDO VP's did present a problem at one time, but I really thought they had that fixed. Apparently, the problem still persists at 576i/50.:( (I haven't heard from any U.S. based owners on this problem in quite awhile.)

Hi Jim,

Even with 3.5 firmware the 576i /50 ( Pal ) hdmi output is still jagged.
There is no issue with 576p/50 hdmi out.
Fyi we use DVDO VP50Pro with the Kaleidescape.

Kartono Ali

I forgot to mention that K once indicated that the DVDO VP50 Pro has a firmware update that might resolve your problem. I suggest checking with DVDO to insure you have the latest firmware version (or the version that is supposed to fix that problem). Please let me know if the firmware was the problem.


I forgot to mention that K once indicated that the DVDO VP50 Pro has a firmware update that might resolve your problem. I suggest checking with DVDO to insure you have the latest firmware version (or the version that is supposed to fix that problem). Please let me know if the firmware was the problem.



Hi Jim,

We currently use the latest firmware 1.03 on the DVDO VP50Pro.
Fyi 480i/60 hdmi output don't have any issue now except the 567i/50.
Anyhow I will test it directly from K-Scape to the display device (without the VP50Pro in between ) & see whether there is any jagged issue.

Kartono Ali

I did speak with K's firmware section on this and they acknowledged they are still doing some work to insure the highest level of functionality with VP's and the K Systems. They are also aware of your comments.

If I hear more, I'll let you know.

480i still not working

Well I now have v3.5.3-4420 on my system, upgraded on March 14. I still can't do 480i output from the HDMI output of my Kplayer 2500 into my Lumagen Radiance. 480p works fine, but 480i has problems with every second line of the image or so it seems. Ah well, I"ll just wait for the new blu-ray compatible player.
Well I now have v3.5.3-4420 on my system, upgraded on March 14. I still can't do 480i output from the HDMI output of my Kplayer 2500 into my Lumagen Radiance. 480p works fine, but 480i has problems with every second line of the image or so it seems. Ah well, I"ll just wait for the new blu-ray compatible player.

Not sure why you are getting that result. I worked with K on that very connection (2500@480i out to the Radiance) and after about 15 minutes of changing internal player settings (not accessible by owners) it worked fine. That "fix" was supposed to have been implemented in the (then) next version, which was about 8 months ago. I'll let them know.

I'd check it for you, but I've given my Radiance to a friend and he does not own K. Maybe another member has that setup and can comment.

Sorry in advance for reinvigorating an old topic but it's just become relevant for me. I have just bought a Radiance XS and it just doesn't like 576i/HDMI from the KP5000 (the Radiance replaces my VP50Pro which I've sold). And it's not the field flip issue causing the problem because when I engage field flip on the Radiance the image is even worse. However my Topfield PVR at 576i through the Radiance is fine. Whilst the Topfield/Radiance image is a little soft (compared to the DVDO) at least all the scan lines are there, no stair stepping, and the image is stable. The KP5000 going direct to the display renders a very good picture, it's just when the Radiance is in the way things go haywire. Here's a pic of the issue

So my question is, are any other Radiance owners experiencing similar problems, and if so what was the fix?