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Anyone know when K is getting Fox in the store?

I hink we should wait and look forward. We will have a great year with Kaleidescape Hardware and the Store.
Jim posted in another thread here that he thinks Fox will be next week. That would be great. Then maybe Paramount can come out in a month, to help me spread out the expense!
I could look around and find the post, but somewhere Jim (CineLife) said that he felt Fox would be in the Store next week.

EDIT: Well, I think I found the post I remembered seeing, but it says we'll see Fox next, not next week, so I must apologize for that. I misread it earlier, apparently. Still, as I have mentioned on here before, K reps said at CEDIA that the "deals were done" in principal with Fox and Paramount, and there are only details to work out. What that means, I don't honestly know. I really expected one or both of them to be done by now. It's been a full three months since that previous conversation. I only know with certainty that Kaleidescape is doing it's best to get the deal done and content in the store, and that's all I can ask.
The lingo I heard used by K-scape this week in a dealer webinar was the ink was dry on the fox contract and the "other" studio was standing at the door.
Gosh. If it is taking this long for Fox to be available even after the ink is dry, I shudder to think how long it will take for the studio standing at the door. Sigh! C u next year Paramount :)
Imagine all the time it takes to get nearly a thousand films copied over and set up to download. All that content has to be moved over to Kaleidescape's hosting system, with the graphics and pricing and such. That certainly isn't a small task. If the studio supplies the content on discs, how long would it take to load thousand blue rays from discs? Even electronically, unless they can copy it over faster than my server can, it is months to get that much data moved.
I'm just hoping that special features will be included for Fox and the other new studio.

So sad to see a new release like Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs have no bonus features. What would be the point in buying it from K for $24 when you can buy the Blu-ray from Amazon for $23, which gets you Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital HD copies with all bonus features. It's really just mind boggling.
Fox is active in the store. Anxious to see how disc-to-digital works out. Are my UV rights good?
This is awesome. I can buy Star Wars without some BS agreement like with Disney where I have to agree not to.... I forget what the Disney agreement is about. All I know is that I haven't re-bought any Disney titles. But I just did my first one with Fox.
Fox is active in the store. Anxious to see how disc-to-digital works out. Are my UV rights good?

As of now, Fox movies in my UV library are not showing up. Will give it some time.
Amazed at how many movies I love are now available though.
Interesting that UV rights seem to be missing. You can actually filter by UV titles in the store and zero results show up for Fox.

Also, have to note that special features are missing :(
Well, I was secretly hoping against hope that The Abyss and True Lies would be available on the store once Fox got in. No such luck. I should have known as people have been clamoring for those two titles on blu ray for years and James Cameron keeps promising to get to it. I guess I'll just have to be happy with the crappy DVD version I have right now. Or, I suppose I could go back to the laserdisc edition that I think I still have and hook one of those back up. That would be pretty funny.
Interesting that UV rights seem to be missing. You can actually filter by UV titles in the store and zero results show up for Fox.

Also, have to note that special features are missing :(

I have to think that UV rights will be coming.

Also, on some of my downloads, I get files labeled as "Feature". This seems to imply that a "Supplement" could be coming. I could be wrong on this but I like to be positive.

It is great to have Fox. This is freeing up a lot of slots in my M700!
