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Why is download store limited?


Well-known member
So I went to search for the movie Life of Pi in the download store and cannot find it. Are there certain studios which aren't contained in the download store? Or does it just take a while for K to get new blu-rays into the store?
I thought that Warner Bros. was the only studio collaborating with K on the download store thus far?
The only studio's currently under contract at the K Store are Warner Bros and New Line. K is in discussion with other studios and hopes to increase participation in the coming months/years. I'm sure K understands the necessity of bringing in the major's and some key independents.

Why is Kscape being so obstinate on movie downloads? It is obvious that Hollywood has given its blessing to rental downloads and even some movie purchase downloads, but hasn't yet embraced full DVD or Blu-ray downloads. Netflix, AppleTV, Amazon all have huge movie download libraries because they offer what Hollywood wants to offer. Why can't Kaleidescape do the same?
"Obstinate??" Have you been sitting in on K's company meetings, or meetings with the studios? Not sure why you think they are "stubbornly refusing to change....." anything. We own K system's, not Apple/Netflix/?? systems, and the Store was designed to support our systems, in line with their business model.

OK, let me spell it out more clearly. Netflix, Apple and Amazon (and others like Vudu) have managed to get access to very large movie libraries across many studios. Kscape has not been able to do so. Now one difference between Kscape and the others is that the others have been content to deliver what the studios are comfortable delivering, to wit, individual movies, without the DVD/Blu-ray extras. I am making a guess here, but I would guess that Kscape, had they chosen to only deliver movies without the DVD/Bluray extras, and many of them on a rental basis, would ALSO have a nice large library of movies to offer. That's why I called Kscape obstinate - they seem determined to offer ONLY the equivalent of packaged DVDs and Blu-ray for download. My question was why.
Not arguing with your underlying question, but it stems from a premise that may not be accurate (A conscious decision to ignore studio limitations and thereby lose those opportunities.)

My take on why they ONLY offer those services would be because that is their business model. Kaleidescape developed it's product for a niche market of discerning owners that want the highest quality downloads... we've all been waiting for this and now it is here! I don't think Kaleidescape ever intended to compete with the 'others' and I am not aware that anyone else is offering what they are. Kaleidescape are blazing their own trail in this regard just as they always have done. On the contractual side of things (with the studios that is), it is probably so involved, that it takes time before all the t's are crossed and the i's dotted, before we see the finished product available to us. Who knows how long it took before Apple, Netflix, Amazon were able to bring their product to market. No-one thinks about it now, since they have been around for some time. I would rather have a limited Kaleidescape download store that I can enjoy now, as oppossed to Kaleidescape waiting longer for more studios to get on board before releasing it to the general public.
Paramount Studios?

Any news about Paramount Studios?

I would love to free up some Vault space and boost up the Star Trek TV seasons. . . :D


The only studio's currently under contract at the K Store are Warner Bros and New Line. K is in discussion with other studios and hopes to increase participation in the coming months/years. I'm sure K understands the necessity of bringing in the major's and some key independents.

You're not alone! Stay tuned.

When Kaleidescape comes to the table to talk to the studios, they do not offer as many eyeballs as somebody like Apple or Netflix does. What is the user base number for Kaleidescape compared to the number of people who have iTunes or Netflix accounts? That is likely the major point holding back the other studios.
When Kaleidescape comes to the table to talk to the studios, they do not offer as many eyeballs as somebody like Apple or Netflix does. What is the user base number for Kaleidescape compared to the number of people who have iTunes or Netflix accounts? That is likely the major point holding back the other studios.

Maybe, but I think we're all grasping at straws. I could easily say that "money is money" and if K could provide the security of Apple and Netflix (and we know they can) why would any studio not take their money?

So my turn to grasp a straw. I think that K forces them to another level of thinking not experienced in Apple or Netflix products. Not streaming, but actually putting their bit-for bit content out in the open exactly like the B_R the sell. You really need to be assured it's protected by the K-system before dumping your library in the online store. That's my guess on slowish arrival of studios.

Well, we weren't really burdened with hundreds of new posts to read, so thought I'd add a note to keep the discussion going.
Interesting discussion and lots of valid points made.
Kaleidescape isn't in the best negotiating position when it comes to getting the terms they want.

1) BedBugged and BigHat are right that K probably wants more than the standard movie-only medium-quality encode; they are asking for more from the studios. The Kaleidescape deal therefore probably represents more work for the studios.

2) Mr. Poindexter is right that in addition to wanting this "special" encode of the movie with the extras, Kaleidescape has a very small (relative) user base against which to sell those movies, so the expected revenue from the studios is pretty low.

3) And let's not forget a third issue... Kaleidescape has been in ongoing contentious and expensive litigation with the studios (yes, I know, technically it's the DVD-CCA, but that's still really the studios). It has to be a bit awkward for the Kaleidescape negotiating team to come in to a studio and ask to sit down and discuss a new custom, higher-cost, lower-revenue deal to support Kaleidescape's customers, even with the revenue the studios would get.
I like the new icons!

I'm not sure how much more work it is for the studios to deliver the exact same encode that they put on their BR discs.

I will say this, I've been trying to buy from the DL store rather than BR discs when possible as a way of supporting the effort.

I DLed Cloud Atlas the other day. What a gorgeous looking movie. I actually really enjoyed the movie also. I was unsure if I would or if I would get lost with the complexity.
Tis a strange world in that I can buy music and films from the US or anywhere else for that matter but can't download them in the case of K without an American registered credit card / billing address.
Come the revolution and then I will be able to free up vault space..........
Thanks Josh. I know you spend a lot more time on this than we do and appreciate the sharing of your views.

The one unintended consequence of this is that I'm a LOT more focused on the studio that releases a movie than i ever was before.
It's been a while, so. . .

Any news about new studios being added like Paramount Studios, Disney, etcetra?

Any news about Paramount Studios?

I would love to free up some Vault space and boost up the Star Trek TV seasons. . . :D

Nothing new that I'm aware of, and they are still working on getting the other studio's involved. Hopefully soon.

Any news on being able to purchase via a discounted means already owned Blu Ray physical content and replace it with cloud based?

I do realise that there is a full price option for Warner Bros content :)

Has anyone done this (at full price) for a title and is there any quality differences (video, audio, have to import the bonus material too, etc)?
