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Star Wars: The Force Awakens


Well-known member
Does anyone have any insight as to when we might expect Star Wars to be available in the K store? I have the bluray preordered for its April 5 release date- but if it came out in the K Store beforehand, I would have preference to that :)
It's due to be available on Vudu on Apr. 1st. I am guessing it will be available sometime between then and Apr. 5th (BR release date) on the store. No guarantees tho....

FYI, Star Wars TFA is planned to release in the K Store on April 1st. (so don't order it from anywhere else!:D)

And its important to note that DMA is not supported yet by K.
cinelife thanks for confirming Apr 1. I need to watch this movie a few more times :)
FYI, Star Wars TFA is planned to release in the K Store on April 1st. (so don't order it from anywhere else!:D)


Can't wait to download on my strato BUT we are unable to watch it with DTSHD due to the software that is required from K, correct?
Correct, regarding the lossless HD codecs (DTS-HD MA, etc.), the update to Kos is expected next month.

So I watched Star Wars last night. Really enjoyed it the 2nd time through!

Now I did notice 2 audio "hiccups" as mentioned in other threads.

But in general- I know we don't have true HD audio yet until we get the firmware, but i actually thought the soundtrack was greatly lacking in certain areas. It could very well have been i tinkered with my speakers by accident- but things like X-wing lasers and certain explosions felt very faint.

I'd be interested to hear others thoughts.
I had a very positive playback experience. I thought it sounded great and very dynamic. Im playing the bitstream core into my Meridian 861 and then into digital speakers. I had no drop outs or any hiccups of any kind. Using the Premiere setup not the new stuff.

PS- that was my 3rd time seeing the movie and it worked even better the third time. Not to get too far off topic but I think its a very enjoyable movie and I think JJ Abrams and team did an amazing job to bring the story on with the legacy cast plus new cast- this could have gone horribly wrong but instead I think we are setup very well for the next two movies.
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I'm not about to watch anything on my strato until the hd firmware is released but I did go to scenes on a few movies that have had the audio issue and it happened only once very briefly on a beginning scene of the new Star Wars. I have switched cable brands to an 8m audio quest forest and everything is looking and soon to be sounding great