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Router Question


Well-known member
As a FIOS user I have a Verizon branded router. Mine is a version of the Actiontec MI424-WR Rev C.

I have a PAKEDGE Gigabit switch inbound and have purchased plenty of CAT 7 cables. My worry is that the router will be a weak link and slow things down. Dealing with Verizon is less than a picnic so will only do so if needed. Currently I plug in an Apple Airport Extreme and use that to get speedier wireless (802.11N), but understand I may need to update the router for max wired performance with my 3U and M700 disc vault (my only player at this point).

Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks!
Do you have a local integrator/ dealer you work with? I would see if they can do some network work for you. I think the idea here should be to use the Verizon router simply as the gateway to the internet (WAN). You have to find out if you can do that or if you must use the router ability in the Verizon equipment. Then you would need a pakedge router. You have to be sure to turn off the wireless part of the verizon unit so it doesn't interfere with the apple airport. Im not a network pro but that'd be my approach.
Do you have a local integrator/ dealer you work with? I would see if they can do some network work for you. I think the idea here should be to use the Verizon router simply as the gateway to the internet (WAN). You have to find out if you can do that or if you must use the router ability in the Verizon equipment. Then you would need a pakedge router. You have to be sure to turn off the wireless part of the verizon unit so it doesn't interfere with the apple airport. Im not a network pro but that'd be my approach.

Thanks Jerry,
Going to try it on my own initially. I have been using the Verizon router with the 802.11B enabled and it doesn't interfere with the Apple Airport 802.11N but I might as well turn it of as I don't use it.
My concern is if this few year old router stifles the speeds from a gigabit switch attached to it. I'm resisting the temptation to just plug my K-cape components into vacant ports on the router just to play around as I know that's not a proper solution from the documentation.

You do pose a good question though and wondered if I could follow up. The router reaches the internet through the FIOS coax cable. I think I need a router with that connectivity.

I may be putting it too simplistically but can an non-gigabit router hinder the performance of a gigabit switch? I'd think the K-cape gear connected to the same gigabit switch wouldn't be impacted and that sub-gigabit performance (if that's the case) would only be from the equipment to the web. Am I even remotely close to being right? :)

Edit: Rev C router LAN port is a 10/100. The newer ones are 10/100/1000.
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You should be fine as long as you plug all the Kaleidescape stuff into the switch. The beauty of a switch is that it's smart enough to route traffic only where it needs to go. So for importing and playing, the switch will only route the data between the server and player, none of it going to the port the router is on slowly anything down.

All server/player communication to the internet would go through the router, but that won't be a problem.

If you had two gigabit switches both connected to the router, then anything attached to one switch talking to the something on the other switch would be restricted.

Now days, hardwired switched aren't like some wireless, where a slower member will slow down the entire network. There is a maximum throughput that can go through the switch, but with one server and player, you won't come close to hitting it.

If you had multiple servers with multiple players, you would want to put all of those on one switch, and all of you other networking devices on another.

Kevin D.
Thanks Kevin. That's what I hoped would be the case.

Just have to wait until tomorrow to finalize the set up after the switch arrives.

Appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge on this topic.!!
Not a problem. Hope everything goes perfect.


Kevin D.
I agree. However, if we ever get really insane internet speeds you will need to address the router. Or if you have multiple switches. In a way this is better than I thought because I thought your Verizon box was an all in one, FiOS modem, router, switch. As it is its just the router and some switched ports.
I agree. However, if we ever get really insane internet speeds you will need to address the router. Or if you have multiple switches. In a way this is better than I thought because I thought your Verizon box was an all in one, FiOS modem, router, switch. As it is its just the router and some switched ports.

Well the FIOS box is titled a "Wireless Broadband Router." I assumed it was a modem too but...??? Maybe the FIOS terminal is the modem. All I know is that coax cables run from it and connect to the Tivos and the Actiontec MI424-WR.

You guys have been gracious with your time. I'll report back on how it went after I give it a try.
I'm going to connect one LAN port from the router to the 16 port switch and connect everything else to the switch.
I think you'd have to determine that first. How fast is FiOS? My cable company has this high speed internet they say to fully enjoy they recommend a gigabit router. Maybe its just hype?
I'm normally about 42 Mbps down and 33 Mbps up. That's a speed test from a wireless laptop.
Hello All,
First, thanks for those that chimed in here. Really appreciate it.

So the gigabit switch arrives tonight. Plugged it in to my router and connected the vault and 3U. ......

...... Basically that's it.

1. Got a vault software update message saying "loading on the vault" or something like that.
2. 3U disks went blue fast. Oops, now I see that the hot back-up always blinks.
3. Jumped on my laptop and did the activation and configuration with zero problems.
4. Turned on the unit. Skimmed through the pre-loaded videos and played them. No issues.
5. Loaded a few Blu_Ray discs. Seem to be fairly fast loading but no serious measuring thus far.
6. One video skip while watching a Blu_Ray video thus far. Rewound and all was well.

Man, this system is great!!!
I'm normally about 42 Mbps down and 33 Mbps up. That's a speed test from a wireless laptop.

Crickey that's obscenely fast. I get 4.6 Mbps down and 0.6 Mbps up and my ISP says that's as good as it gets :eek: