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Premiere disk failure


Well-known member
I had a disk fail in my Premiere server. The old hot spare is in the process of rebuilding, but it is very slow. Its been 3 days and its only rebuilt about 40 percent. My dealer had Kscape rush ship a replacement disk and it just arrived. Is there any reason that I can't replace the failed disk with the new hot spare now or do I need to wait until the rebuild process is complete? Asking here because Kscape tech support is closed on the weekend (and probably Monday too because of Memorial Day).
I normally wait, but you can replace it during the rebuild. I prefer to let the server focus on one task at a time (not that it's required).

The rebuild speed averages 1TB per day, so if that was a 6TB, it could take up to 6 days (although it's often a little faster).

I normally wait, but you can replace it during the rebuild. I prefer to let the server focus on one task at a time (not that it's required).

The rebuild speed averages 1TB per day, so if that was a 6TB, it could take up to 6 days (although it's often a little faster).


Do you know how soon can find out what size drives they have in a 3U Server? I have a few in the server but I am not sure which size (how many TB) each one is?
With most of the Premiere drives the size is printed at the bottom of the White faceplate (i.e 6000 = 6TB). You should be able to read that just by opening the front panel. If it's not printed on that faceplate, you can shutdown the 3U and eject the drives one at a time to confirm their size by checking the label on the drive. This info can also be obtained by having your dealer check your system dashboard on the Extranet (but this is not always 100% accurate if you've had some drive changes because they don't always get properly recorded to a particular drive slot, they may just show up as part of the system, but not necessarily in a slot).
