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Peanuts Disc to Digital

I wish I had a better (or at least a more straight forward) answer for you but I do not. Unfortunately, there is no hard and fast rule to be able to determine if or when disc to digital will be available on any given title. In the simplest terms, it all boils down to what is stipulated in the Studio's licensing for each title that we add to the store.

In some cases, the disc to digital window opens almost immediately and in others it doesn't open for quite a while (if at all). All that we can do is observe the d2d dates that we are given.
Thanks John.
This is very frustrating. In the absence of UV access, I decided I would purchase Fox titles on disc. Idea being that this would allow me to get UV rights for the movie and also use disc-to-digital for downloading the movie on my K system.
Fox's licensing deal with K just seems to be super restrictive
I just hope that any future deals that K makes with other studios are not as restrictive.
BTW, is a d2d date available for titles like Peanuts. If yes, it would be nice to list that in the store
Hmmm... I wonder if the d2d availability date may be the same as the date when these movies are available to rent (in netflix at least). I am seeing movies like Peanuts and Victor Frankenstein won't be available to rent till early April.
Would be interesting to see if d2d is available for these titles around the same time.
Hmmm... I wonder if the d2d availability date may be the same as the date when these movies are available to rent (in netflix at least). I am seeing movies like Peanuts and Victor Frankenstein won't be available to rent till early April.
Would be interesting to see if d2d is available for these titles around the same time.

Looks like we can disregard this theory of mine. Peanuts is available to rent but not yet available for d2d. Sigh! I am hoping whenever studios like Paramount come onboard they don't have such asinine restrictions
Looks like we can disregard this theory of mine. Peanuts is available to rent but not yet available for d2d. Sigh! I am hoping whenever studios like Paramount come onboard they don't have such asinine restrictions

At last check, Universal is still sans special features. Disney has an axe to grind (no comment on where the handle is located.) Fox is currently lacking UV.

Other than Sony, all the big studios to come onboard since launch have been trending on the asinine side of life.