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More space...?


Well-known member
Hey all,

what do you think? Will Kaleidescape bring new products which will make it easier to add storage capacity? I don't want to buy a new server and a new server and a new server... :)


I've long thought that K should release an expansion chasis... a 3U server without all the server circuitry.

Synology does this with their DiskStation RAID arrays... it's wonderful. Add on another 5 bays any time you want at a much lower price point than their 5-bay server unit.
Do you think that there are a lot of people that have full, 3U servers with all 3TB drives? Just curious. That is a lot of storage.....
Most of my client/friends are full as well, but many of those Server's are 2TB, not 3TB. I think some are holding out for larger drives before upgrading their disks.:)

I have a full 2TB 3U server. I started with a 5U about 4 years ago. Maxed that at 8.25TB of useable space. Bought a used 5U that got me up to about 14TB. When I went through the upgrade plan to a 3U I thought I was set at 24TB of useable space.

Well, not not quite. I delete/shuffle DVDs and started with about 70 blurays stored at max capacity. I'm down to about 30 blurays now to make room for more DVDs.

So what did I do? I got a decent price on a 1U. now I'll upgrade those drives with 3TB drives, load up the bluray backlog, and wait for 4TB drives. I'll then move the 1U to my parents and upgrade to a 3U with 4TB drives.

Hopefully that will do the trick on needing additional storage.

As an FYI, I have DTV, FIOS, Roku (amazon prime, EpixHD, etc.) and AppleTV, and still prefer Kaleidescape over those alternatives for television shows and movies. Go figure.

Would love Prima Cinema, but way too costly.

Short answer. There's way too much available content to ever have enough Kscape storage.

My 2 cents.

I suspect quite a lot of owners are waiting for the extra capacity of the next drive size upgrade.

The extra capacity could help encourage future download sales... it will be "most excellent" to be able to buy a BR movie without concerns about vault space.
Haven't heard a lick about larger drive capacities. Hopefully the wait wont be too long for some of you. I for one have just begun streching my legs in a few month old 3U with 8 3Tb drives. ;)

The download store will be killer though. Can't wait for that. (and to bother Jim for more drives!)
Waiting and waiting for release of Kaleidescape 4TB drives.

Has anyone previously given any thought to purchasing our own drives and shipping them off to Kaleidescape for proprietary formatting and installation in a 3U case?

Realize that even with a nominal 'disk prep' charge, K would probably feel the impact of loss of disk sales and extended warranty revenue. But perhaps increased disk prep service sales volume and enabled K Store sales would offset a measurable part of the lost revenue stream.

And, inclusion of this option in the K business model has the potential of pleasing a host of loyal and dedicated Kaleidescape owners and fans, and keeping this customer base both loyal and dedicated.

Your thoughts please.
It seems to me that they have very stringent specs for the drives they wan to use (enterprise, other things maybe Im not aware of) and therefore while your idea is well intentioned, I don't think they would go for it- though I'd love to see something like that work.
It seems to me that they have very stringent specs for the drives they wan to use (enterprise, other things maybe Im not aware of) and therefore while your idea is well intentioned, I don't think they would go for it- though I'd love to see something like that work.

Think you hit the nail on the head with that response. Any idea how mature 4 TB enterprise drives are right now? I'm sure they're validating longevity before pushing them out to users. Hopefully, we'll hear of them soon.

Did a quick check on enterprise drives vs regular ones and in addition to reliability issues, they also take different views and approaches to data recovery. If K was formatting customer drives with varying attributes it might generate a situation where the drives and the software managing the RAID were incompatible. Probably just one of many headaches the process of formatting user supplied drives would lead to over time.
My dealer told me he as a couple of potential new owners waiting for 4TB drives to be released. As he observed "4TB drives in a 1U server would allow storage of about 300 BR movies, matches the capacity of the vault quite well".
Thanks. By my clock, 4TB drives have been around a while now, but I dont know about enterprise drives and I also dont know what specific things K looks for. I am sure they are as eager to get us as much storage as they can on a drive- think of how that helps them sell more systems and their store and other products.