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mixing M players and Non-Bluray players


Could someone tell me what would I expect to see if I add a M500 to a system with older units. I assume the M500 has a nicer menu and plays everything. But what would happen on the older units with non-bluray movies?

The M-class Players do improve the OSD, and have some other improvements and capabilities (like BR playback). Adding one to your system will not affect the other Players, they will still have the same OSD and playback capabilities, they will not playback BR. BR can only be imported and played back by M-Class Players. You can also download BR quality from the K Store and playback on the M500 (or M300).

Thanks Jim. Does the older player show the bluray movies on lists of box views? knowing my luck my wife would pick a bluray on the old player and yell when it doesn't work.
No, if the player does not support BR or HD then those movies do not show up in any of the lists or cover art.

To comment on Jim's point, I had a 1st gen cinema one that did not do BR. I thought the menus and cover art were very good - until I added an M700 to it and saw the HD menus and cover art.

You bring up a good point John. Based on the post, I assumed the OP has a system that is able to add in M-class Players, which may not be the case.
