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Logan "Noir" edition


Active member
Can anyone who has already downloaded Logan confirm if the black and white version of the film in included in the download? It's not mentioned in the movie details on the Store, but it's included with the Blu-ray version that's being released next week.
In the extras there is this listed: "Bonus: Logan Noir ( Black and White Version)". Is this what you are asking about? It is listed on the store version under special features and it is included in the downloaded version but I haven't watched it yet.

Yes, the B&W version is included in the extras section of the download.

It would have been nice if K split out the supplements into a separate file.


In many cases, including this one, they are. There's no fine-grained control over which ones to download at purchase time, but you have the option to remove one of the items from your download queue. If you're on an Encore system, you can also individually delete the supplement from the OSD.

Power user tip, by the way, for those who want more Extras, not fewer: Because Encore systems now support collapsing multiple quality versions of a movie under a single cover, it sometimes makes sense to download more than one quality version in order to get extras.

Example: The Lord of the Rings Extended Edition movies don't have extras in the Blu-ray quality versions, but they do in the DVD quality versions. On my system, I scheduled both Blu-ray quality and DVD quality to download, but then I went to the download queue and canceled the downloads of the DVD quality "Feature" items. I just downloaded the supplements. Now I have the Blu-ray quality movie, plus all the DVD quality extras. All I need now is the time to watch all of those extras!
In many cases, including this one, they are. There's no fine-grained control over which ones to download at purchase time, but you have the option to remove one of the items from your download queue. If you're on an Encore system, you can also individually delete the supplement from the OSD.


Thanks Mike, this is great. My mistake on only one file. i went back and checked and I have the the feature downloaded on May 11th that I hadn't noticed.

Power user tip, by the way, for those who want more Extras, not fewer: Because Encore systems now support collapsing multiple quality versions of a movie under a single cover, it sometimes makes sense to download more than one quality version in order to get extras.

Example: The Lord of the Rings Extended Edition movies don't have extras in the Blu-ray quality versions, but they do in the DVD quality versions. On my system, I scheduled both Blu-ray quality and DVD quality to download, but then I went to the download queue and canceled the downloads of the DVD quality "Feature" items. I just downloaded the supplements. Now I have the Blu-ray quality movie, plus all the DVD quality extras. All I need now is the time to watch all of those extras!

Will this feature be added to the Premiere systems at some point?

Will this feature be added to the Premiere systems at some point?


I really can't comment on future features, sorry. We definitely understand that it would be a desirable addition, though.
I was just downloading some movies and noticed that there's no Noir edition attached to the Logan offering currently on K. Can someone else confirm this? Is there another release I'm not seeing? Did this "extra" get stripped from K at some point?
I'm downloading both 4K and HD, but I've got a huge queue going and it'll be a while before it's available. However, when looking at the listing on the store, I don't see any mention of Extras. In addition, in a post earlier in this thread there's mention of 90 GB download, which doesn't match anything on the current listing. I've searched elsewhere on the forum and don't see any mention of a re-release of this title or anything. It appears that perhaps at some point in the past there was a re-release (post Disney?) that stripped the features and Noir. D'oh! (Or, hopefully, the store listing is incorrect.)
I'm downloading both 4K and HD, but I've got a huge queue going and it'll be a while before it's available. However, when looking at the listing on the store, I don't see any mention of Extras. In addition, in a post earlier in this thread there's mention of 90 GB download, which doesn't match anything on the current listing. I've searched elsewhere on the forum and don't see any mention of a re-release of this title or anything. It appears that perhaps at some point in the past there was a re-release (post Disney?) that stripped the features and Noir. D'oh! (Or, hopefully, the store listing is incorrect.)
You are right. It doesn’t show any extras listed. Maybe it is gone. I might be wrong but I thought I saw the B&W version as a separate download before.
Just posting to confirm that the current listing for Logan in the K Store is without extras and does not include Loan Noir (BW). I've looked in the forum and don't see record of a re-release, but clearly that's what happened. That's unfortunate, as other digital stores appear to continue to offer the special features and additional cut.
On our system, both the HD and 4K versions are in color (no Logan Noir.)