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Kserver 5000 No Hdd Lights No NIC Lights



Wondering if anyone knows what may cause this and if its fixable

I have a Kserver5000 it seems as though the following works
-blue light across front panel
-power supply turns on
-PC CPU fan on
- all case fans on

the following is not woring
-no hdd lights
-no NIC LAN lights

No idea where to start so hoping some else has heard of this issue here
You should email Kaleidescape support and ask them (support@kaleidescape.com). I only suggest this because some of issues sound power related (yes, you can have a bad power supply that does provide "some power" so that some things work, some don't, but this could also be a problem with a board.

Don’t want to bring bad news, but your unit might have suffered the same fate as mine. I had the same symptoms: blue lights, no network, no serial, no HDD lights. One thing you can check though, if you have a desktop computer you could swap the power cables to the known good one. (if you feel comfortable doing so) This happened to my unit from shipping damage.
Don’t want to bring bad news, but your unit might have suffered the same fate as mine. I had the same symptoms: blue lights, no network, no serial, no HDD lights. One thing you can check though, if you have a desktop computer you could swap the power cables to the known good one. (if you feel comfortable doing so) This happened to my unit from shipping damage.

Sounds like exactly the same fate.Wonder what has failed.

At this point I feel comfortable trying anything, I am going to check the pins on both power supply harnesses ( one for motherboard / one for hdd pcb ) and see what voltage is coming out on each pin.

I repair these from time to time. The first thing to do would be to plug in a serial cable and see if you get any output. The 3u takes a while to output data (30-60 seconds). The disk lights don’t come on until the bootloader/kernel initilizates the array. Their custom bios will print an error message if it can’t load the bootloader from disk. I have seen the motherboards go bad before, but generally I find that it ends up being the power supply. They can still power stuff up but they just don’t output the correct voltage. I have some spare motherboards and power supplies for the 3u. So don’t stress :) I would also check that the ram is seated correctly. In the end the premiere systems are just generic hardware apart from the backplane board.
Problem has been fixed.

I removed the HDD Backplane + PCI card and then checked the pins on the power supply harnesses.
I then i put it all back together and low and behold it all works perfectly :)
All 14 HDDs are online and santa came early.
I am hoping it was just a bad/dirty connection and the server stays working only time will tell.
If the problem comes back i will post it here.
Merry Christmas Everyone