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Kreader import interrupted


I have two older kscape readers. Every time I try and import a movie in either one they begin to import as normal then a few minutes in they stop abruptly and then the browser interface says import interrupted. I have rebooted multiple times, set to static and dhcp I have also rebooted my server several times. Any idea what the issue is? Can anybody help. I have 500 movies to import and I really don't want to do it all through one player. Thanks, Jason
Importing can be interrupted for many reasons, but damaged or dirty discs seems to be the main reason (basically the reader cannot pick up the content). It can also be network issues, but K Reader's are very old, these were the original method of importing, and many have seen their better days, it's possible you have a couple of bad reader's.

I know they are old. My plan was just to use them for my initial import to cut down the time. I had one not working so I picked up another one but it is doing the same thing. I was hoping someone on here would know what the quick fix was. Thanks, Jason
Unfortunate, but there is probably no quick fix. If it is happening with all the discs you try, then I think it's obvious it isn't a bad/dirty disc issue, and if cable changes and reboots don't help, then it starts looking more and more like a hardware issue.

You should contact your dealer, or K Support, to have Support look into your "logs" on those components to see what the logs show during the times you had the importing problems. That will usually tell you if it's hardware.

Thanks for everyone's suggestions. So I have removed both DVD rom drives from the readers and cleaned the lasers. They both can import CDs no problem but DVD import issue is still present. Any other ideas? Thanks, jason
I had a k-5000 movie player2 exhibit symptoms just like this, and tried cleaning the lens to no avail. I was able to pick up another dvd rom drive (same make and model number) for around $25, and problem solved.