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Gravity ATMOS


Well-known member
Authorized Kaleidescape Dealer
Will the K store get Gravity in ATMOS ? I think it comes with the diamound deluxe edition. Sorry if this was asked before. Thanks
The version in the store now is already Atmos. Have you downloaded it yet? I just tried it out Thursday. The opening sounds pretty cool, but honestly I turned it off after the debris strike, because the movie loses me after that.
The version in the store now is already Atmos. Have you downloaded it yet? I just tried it out Thursday. The opening sounds pretty cool, but honestly I turned it off after the debris strike, because the movie loses me after that.

Ugh. Sorry you are correct. I was looking the diamond deluxe collection. I just downloaded. Thank you
No worries, my friend. If you have a nice Atmos system, you might want to check out the Collections > Dolby Atmos. There are quite a few now.

Mad Max: Fury Road
and The Fifth Element are also Atmos, but not listed on K Store in the Dolby Atmos filter list for some reason. There might also be others.
No worries, my friend. If you have a nice Atmos system, you might want to check out the Collections > Dolby Atmos. There are quite a few now.

Mad Max: Fury Road
and The Fifth Element are also Atmos, but not listed on K Store in the Dolby Atmos filter list for some reason. There might also be others.

Again thank you,

I have a 5.2.4 ATMOS setup , sound great with gravity, sicario, mad max and fifth element. Now if K would get fox and paramount we would all be set. :)
Again thank you,

I have a 5.2.4 ATMOS setup , sound great with gravity, sicario, mad max and fifth element. Now if K would get fox and paramount we would all be set. :)

Amen to that. I was told that the agreements were in place in principal last October, before CEDIA, but there were some details that needed to be worked out. It's been a while.
When you say 5.2.4 system, do you mean 5 main speakers, 2 subs and then 4 ATMOS speakers? I'm just trying to keep up with the jargon.
When you say 5.2.4 system, do you mean 5 main speakers, 2 subs and then 4 ATMOS speakers? I'm just trying to keep up with the jargon.

That is correct. Sounds fantastic
So, technically, that's still really 5.1.4, since the single subwoofer channel assignment is to two (or four, or....) subwoofer chassis. So, for example, when I finally get my fourth subwoofer in, I will still only have 5.1.4.
Anyone noticed the version that is currently downloading is the DTS HD version. I have the Atmos version on our Cinema One. I downloaded another copy last week onto our new demo alto thinking it would be atmos.

Went to use it in a demo yesterday, and realised that it was the DTS version. All documentation on store seems to suggest it is the DTS version again? Just wondering if others are seeing the same?
Must have been fixed? I just looked at 8:09 AM Central, and the first sound track listed is English (Dolby TrueHD Atmos). I see that you are in the UK, so I can't see that store, but in the U.S., it is as I mentioned.
Hi all,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention! It looks like you've uncovered a bug. As you may know, we originally had Gravity with the DTS-HD MA soundtrack, before the Atmos version was released. The bug is that, because you have the movie in your UltraViolet locker, it's causing that old version to appear instead of the new Atmos version. This is also probably why some people are seeing the Atmos version while others aren't.

We're working on a fix. No ETA at the moment, but I'll keep you informed!
Hi all,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention! It looks like you've uncovered a bug. As you may know, we originally had Gravity with the DTS-HD MA soundtrack, before the Atmos version was released. The bug is that, because you have the movie in your UltraViolet locker, it's causing that old version to appear instead of the new Atmos version. This is also probably why some people are seeing the Atmos version while others aren't.

We're working on a fix. No ETA at the moment, but I'll keep you informed!


That was quick. Not sure what you did, but looks like the Atmos version is now available in my Library. Much appreciated. It is something we demo a lot, as it makes good use of the height channels:)
No problem! If you've downloaded the version with DTS audio but want the Atmos version, you will need to delete the DTS copy and download the Atmos version.

Thanks again for letting us know about the issue!