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Free Movie Offer for K Store

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Staff member
Forum Administrator
Authorized Kaleidescape Dealer
Beginning today, and continuing until end of February, 2016, purchase any Fifteen (15) movies from the K Store and you will be entered to win $500 in additional K Store purchases. Please follow the instructions below. The drawing will be held no later than March 15, 2016 and is open to all Forum members that have access to either the U.S., UK, or Canada Stores.

1. You must send either an email, or Private Message (PM) to me (CineLife) indicating you have completed the purchases.

2. You must provide a copy of Store receipts (redacted is fine) confirming the purchases during the relevant time period indicated above. (You can forward the email receipts you receive from the Store if that's easier.)

3. I must receive the above by March 10, 2016.

This offer is intended to both thank our Forum members, and generate increased business for the K Store, and nothing more. All information submitted will be destroyed after confirming purchases. No information supplied will be used for any purpose other than verifying purchases. This is NOT a marketing promo, and you will not receive any sales contact related to this offer. If you have any questions, contact me directly.

NOTE: Kaleidescape is NOT involved in any way with this offer. I am solely responsible for the content and administration of this offer. The odds of being selected are based on the total number of entries received. Good luck!

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1 - Do D2D (going diskless) offers count? :confused:
2 - Are your terms implying Fox & Paramount will release February 11th? :D
3 - Where were you a month ago when I was reclaiming vault-slots? :eek:
1. Sorry, no, D2D do not qualify, purchases must be new movies.

2. No, I have no idea when those studio's will be available.

3. I was saving my money to fund this promotion.:D

Are purchases from the Canadian K store eligible?

Jim mentioned the UK store in the first post.

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Yes, both Canada and UK Stores are eligible.

Thank you!

Hopefully a new studio will soon join the mix, making the 15 movie quota a piece of pie ;)
Nice Phil, I see you've already qualified!:)

Yes, sir. Just trying to do my part as a good Kaleidescape soldier, sir. :D
When I win, which I assume will be the case, I hope this coincides with the availability of Fox and Paramount on the Store. In which case, the credit will last about as long as it takes to browse for titles I need to convert. So, not very long at all. :D
Sounds like, after re-reading, that might not qualify. Jim did say only purchase of new movies. So maybe my plan to convert the Fox and Paramount stuff that's on DVD in my Premiere server now won't qualify. Still, I can just get some new stuff I have been holding back on. Either way, awesome prize for whomever is lucky enough to win it.
If they got fox and paramount in the store, I would expect a huge number of potential D2D upgrades. Of course, that would require them to be pushed to the Terra server when the Encore system gets merged with the premier system and you would need encore players to see the content, which adds another thing to think about other than just freeing up vault slots.
Fox, paramount and dreamworks. When will they join. Where is that darn emoticon for sobbing bitterly?
DMA would be nice too. But I am not clamoring for that as much after using the $200 credit that came with the alto player to purchase my most watched disney titles :D
Hey Jim,
Is this offer still valid? Your timing turned out to be good for us. If you would have said the end of January, I wouldn't have had 15 titles that I really needed. Now with Fox on board, I can easily find 15. Does your generous offer still stand? Can we purchase 15 Fox movies to apply towards your offer? And I think I remember you saying that upgrades don't count, just regular purchases, right?
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