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Dolby ATMOS demo material in K store

Can I ask when you downloaded it?

@tov5005 downloaded it March 14 from his image above

I think this is how it happens:

My Alto is an ex-dealer owned unit. The dealer bought it for their own use, just like dealers would get Altos for cataloguing. As my Alto's S/N is/was probably linked at K to be a dealer unit, it will unlock dealer-only material.

The other person who downloaded it, are you in the same boat?

I think this is how it happens:

My Alto is an ex-dealer owned unit. The dealer bought it for their own use, just like dealers would get Altos for cataloguing. As my Alto's S/N is/was probably linked at K to be a dealer unit, it will unlock dealer-only material.

The other person who downloaded it, are you in the same boat?

Ahh thanks for that, if Tov5005 has something similar that would totally explain it and I can stop checking their store 20 times a day! ;)
So was watching the following YouTube HT install video and at around 5:55 they show this guys Kscape screen and he has the Dolby Atmos - Demonstrations by Dolby on his Ksacpe! Brilliant I want this I thought but then.... I have searched everywhere with the KScape store and can't find it???

Was it there and been removed? I've checked the US and UK store

I don't believe there is any way to install your own disc onto Kscape but don't understand how this guy has it?

I left a question of the original poster of this video and this is the reply that sheds a bit more light now...

Thank you for your feedback! The Dolby demo is actually only available to Kaleidescape dealers at this time. We set up our unit for demo purposes here.
It was originally released to everyone in the same area you get the other config downloads. But then it vanished to "dealer only". I managed to get it by chance. I still have it downloaded but it does not show up in "my movies" list. Whether it should or not I've no idea.
Im a dealer for K and i can’t find the demo download. 🤔
I went around and around with Dolby a few years back and they finally sent me their demo material. Makes sense for everyone to have it. There is probably more demonstrations done by owners of private theaters than by dealers. Trinnov understands this and made their demo material available to everyone! SJ