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Black Friday Specials


Well-known member
⭐️ Premium ⭐️
Authorized Kaleidescape Dealer
Any idea what we might be able to expect for the Black Friday specials in the store? I remember last year and it took me weeks to download all the titles I bought (Top 100 Warner titles for $1.50 each!!).

I was really hoping we would have another major before Black Friday, but no such luck unless they are holding the next studio to come online as their special.
I went back and checked when the Warner Top 100 sale showed up. The first e-mail I received was on Nov. 27th last year.

Hopefully, something just as nice will be coming this year too! It would be nice if it was tied into adding another studio!

Black Friday Collection: Tour de Force Performances

The above titled collection is available on the store - $3.50 per title.

No 'Black Friday' collections or specials in our store........ just the same old, same old dreary grey Wednesday titles as usual!
Happy Turkey-day everyone,

So, I noticed an email form our friends over at K last night and went on line to see what they had to offer... Darned if there were not some good movies that I have been wanting to add. I wound up purchasing 16 BlueRay titles to add to my ever growing collection...

Having recently purchased a new 3U server (a few months back), which was an upgrade from my first generation C1, I have added well over 100 movies and more than 200 CD's... While I am sure my collection is not as large as some, I am up to 358 movies and 451 music CD's now (not counting the downloads that are in progress)... At this rate, I will need more disk space in shore order... I for one can't wait until 6tB cartridges and someday even 4K movies show up on the seen... :)

Unfortunately, no emails or Black Friday offerings that I can yet see at the store here in Canada. Last year was an excellent sale!

Nothing in the UK. We're still waiting for sony and universal
Hard to top last year's offer. Twice as many titles at less than half the price of these. That said, I don't see any deals at WalMart or Target that compete with these. Last year's offer was just OMFG!! level of awesome.

Given that we should still see several more studios come online, if we don't get them during the Christmas sale period, then I expect to have another awesome Black Friday sale next year.
WOT No offers......... Ah I mustn't be a US customer! :mad: