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Alto + Disk Server


Well-known member
Having originally purchased Stratos and a Disk Server, with the delay of the integration, I also now have Altos in my system. After using them for some time now, I'm super impressed with the integration. Really slick and pretty much works flawlessly. Having my entire collection in one place to view/select/play is so cool. Looking forward to the Strato integration in 2017! And more studios/4K! SJ
I'm in the same position. After buying a Strato and a disk server, l thought I made a very big mistake. Now that I added an Alto, I'm a very happy customer.
Next may be a second disc server.
Yip in a similar situation - considering a second vault. Very impressed with the handling of disc content and will probably keep the Strato for UHD/HDR duties and given the lack of content I reckon I'll have it a long time before I need to consider my download strategy going forward.
I've a Strato and just (today) placed an order for an Alto and Disc Server - but my integrator wasn't 100% sure if I'll 'see' all the content on the alto and disc server (and strato) in one place? Is that the case, or will I need to patch the Alto into the Matrix for the BD/Disc Server content and the Strato for 4k? TIA!
I've a Strato and just (today) placed an order for an Alto and Disc Server - but my integrator wasn't 100% sure if I'll 'see' all the content on the alto and disc server (and strato) in one place? Is that the case, or will I need to patch the Alto into the Matrix for the BD/Disc Server content and the Strato for 4k? TIA!

In my system - no titles from the Alto are seen by the Strato (only downloaded content), but on my Alto - DVD/HD titles that have been downloaded to the Strato can be 'seen' and of course played from the Alto.

In essence I have two profiles and 2 distinct playback paths

Strato - Downloaded content only (DVD/HD/UHD)
Alto - Downloaded content (DVD/HD titles) and vault content

Not sure what you mean by "patching the Alto into the Matrix ........."
Many thanks indeed Steelman!

I have my Strato up in my comms room in the attic, patched over a matrix to the displays. In this case so, I need to add the Alto as a source, as the strato won't be able to see the disc content... (so I'll need to use the strato display out for UHD content, and the Alto for the disc server and downloaded HD content...)

Roll on the integration!

Thanks again!
I get you now @boskonay . Bit of nuisance but nothing more at this time (I have a Harmony set-up for 2 activities) - nice to have access at all, but yeah integration will be nice.
DVD content from the vault will also show up and play from a Strato. Just not bluray disks. SJ
It sounds like steelman's setup is configured with the Strato and the Alto as two entirely separate systems. You can definitely opt to do things this way if you just want to use the Alto for the discs in the Disc Server.

The other option is to group the two players into a single system. In that situation, you would see:

On the Alto:
All DVDs in the Disc Server
All Blu-ray discs in the Disc Server
All DVD-quality downloads from the Movie Store
All Blu-ray quality downloads from the Movie Store

On the Strato:
All DVDs in the Disc Server
All DVD-quality downloads from the Movie Store
All Blu-ray quality downloads from the Movie Store
All 4K Ultra HD and 4K HDR downloads from the Movie Store

Assuming that it's an Alto with internal storage, in a grouped system, DVD quality and Blu-ray quality downloads are sent preferentially to the Alto. This ensures that the Strato's storage can be conserved for use with 4K content (which cannot be stored on the Alto).
@MikeKobb - that's what I see and what I was trying to describe - clearly not very well.

They do however - unless I'm really not comprehending correctly - remain as 2 separate systems - both from a display and playback perspective. They will I understand remain like that until full 'integration' is introduced. No?
I can also confirm on my Alto I see all content from my Strato (non UHD) and Disc Server. Just cant wait to see everything on the Strato interface instead :)
Ah, I missed a key line in your posting.

Do you have any DVDs in the Disc Server at all? Or, do you only have Blu-ray discs?

If both players are showing any DVDs that are in the Disc Server, then they're definitely one system. (Similarly, if you only see one system offered when you download movies from the Movie Store, and if the DVD quality and Blu-ray quality movies that you download to that one system show up on both players, then they're a single system.)

The differences you see between the two players are related to their capabilities. The Alto doesn't show 4K content because it's not able to play it. The Strato doesn't show Blu-ray discs in the Disc Server for the same reason. The Strato is able to play DVDs from a Disc Server, though, so if you're running a single system, those titles should show up on the Strato.
Sounds good. So, for now, I need to have both the Alto and Strato as 'sources' and have the Strato for 4K 'only' and the Alto for all other content (downloads and disc server) until the Strato can handle BluRay, at which time I could drop out the Alto (or leave it in place to allow two displays (just only one with 4k)
Right. Or, viewed the other way, use the Strato for everything except Blu-ray discs.
Right. Or, viewed the other way, use the Strato for everything except Blu-ray discs.

That actually makes more sense :)

And, presumably once the integration of bluray support for the strato is complete, I'll have a single (4K) source for all K content?
A quick, somewhat related question! My Disc server is due for install in the coming days, so I've been going through the disks. If I put 'all' the discs from a BD, for example, into the server, how will K index / present them?

For example, If i have a two disk extended edition, which also has two more BD's of extras, will the K interface just show me one listing for the main feature, with the extras?

Thanks again in advance!
It will generally integrate everything into the movie listing under a single movie. You can then select what you want to watch. SJ
When you select the movie, it will tell you that there are 2 discs (or more) in the disc server covering all of the content. Depending on what you select to watch (movie, special features, etc.), it will load the appropriate disk. Good luck! SJ