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2 homes


Well-known member
⭐️ Premium ⭐️
It would be nice if we can connect players to a remote server over the internet.

For now I use slingbox but its sluggish and only on a pc.
Well, I think it is possible if you have a VPN but you really are getting into territory Kaleidescape probably doesn't want to get into - being able to stream movies over the web. They certainly don't want to be perceived as a hardware based Kazaa.

Also, think of the massive upload pipes you would need where the server is based to stream data without degrading the quality. DVD can burst at up to around 9mbit I think and I don't know too many people (any actually) that have connection speeds like that in their home on the upload side of their net connection.
Another question would be what if you have 2 homes and 2 K setups- would you have to have separate copies of each disc for each location. The answer is yes.
I think syncing two homes (systems) over the internet is a killer feature. It would be nice if K try this with music first. Request offers this and it is great.
Another question would be what if you have 2 homes and 2 K setups- would you have to have separate copies of each disc for each location. The answer is yes.
Not necessarily. If you have a server in a central location and all the movie/music players connecting to it, just like you do a home, then no you technically would not need separate copies of each disc. Since all the players are connecting to 1 server, like it's doing now with those who have multiple players.
You may be correct that you could technically do this, but I don't think you can legally do it, or do it in a way that doesn't violate K's TOS. I'm not certain... but I thought the TOS requires that a system be limited to one physical property or address. Even if you can VPN two locations with enough throughput, I thought you'd be violating TOS by doing so without servers at each address and therefore discs that are owned at each location.