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JohnJ BR Disc & HD Download Scenes (28 Jan 2015) Jan 29th, 2015

No permission to download
Downloads (as of 1 December 2019): 29

I have added some more scenes. These are both from HD downloaded moves and BR discs.

The Adjustment Bureau (HD Download)
...Walking In On An "Adjustment"
...Behind The Curtain
...Finding Cedar Lake Dance Company
...Getting To Elise At The Courthouse
Appleseed: Alpha (HD Download)
...Ostrich C-117 Drones
...Tow Horns' Tank
...Takes Out The Tank
...Deunan & Bri Arrive at Secret Warehouse
...Arachnid Class Land Battleship Awakens
Bad Teacher (HD Download)
...Car Wash
...Recess Is Over!
...Halsey Has A Talk With Garrett
...I Was Helping A Student Through A Tough Time
Blended (HD Download)
...Ostrich Ride
...Hilary Makeover
...Seeing Africa
A Bug's Life (BR Disc)
...Circle of Life
...Flaming Death!
...Warrior Bugs
...Saving Dot From The Bird
...Quite The Motivational Speaker
...Fake Bird - Flaming Death 2
Captain Phillips (HD Download)
...Pirates Board The Ship
...American Warship Arrives
...Phillips Swims For It
Dave (HD Download)
...Louis, Louis
...Homeless Shelter
...Cutting The Budget
...We're Look-alikes
...Joint Session Of Congress
Divergent (HD Download)
...Capture The Flag
...Initiation Ritual
...Facing Your Worst Fears
...Going In Together
...Final Testing
Dune (HD Download)
...3rd Stage Navigator Delivers A Message
...Testing Paul - Man or Animal?
..."He Shall Know Your Ways..."
...Paul Muad'Dib
...Train 100 Of Your Warriors
...Riding A Worm
...The Water Of Life
...The Sleeper Has Awakened
...Worm Sign Even God Has Never Seen
The Equalizer (HD Download)
...Helping Ralph's Mother
...Attempted Kidnapping At Diner
...We're Here To See Andre
...McCall Meets With Nicolai
...Blowing Up Great Eastern Oil Tanker
...Showdown At Home Mart
Eraser (HD Download)
...Let's Party
...If You Drop Your Gun, I Won't Kill You
...The Zoo
...Fake Heart Attack
...Infiltrating Cyrez
...Shootout On the Docks
Erin Brockovich (HD Download)
...I'm Not Leaving Here Without A Job
...Rethink Your Wardrobe
...You Have To Hire Me Back
...We Had That Water Brought In Special
...Whose Number Do You Need?
...Bonus Check
The Fall (HD Download)
...Alexander The Great
...Getting Off The Island
...Kidnapping The Princess
...The Blue City
...Lungi's Sacrifice
First Knight (HD Download)
...Lancelot's 1st Rescue of the Princess
...The Gauntlet
...The Round Table
...The Princess Is Kidnapped
...Message for Malagant
...Lancelot's 2nd Rescue of the Princess
Fool's Gold (HD Download)
...Where's The Boat
...Tell Tess I Love Her
...Decent Rescue
...Story of the Queen's Dowry
...You're On
George Thorogood & The Destroyers: Live at Montreux (BR Disc)
...Rock Party
...Who Do You Love?
...Help Me
...Night Time
...I Drink Alone
...One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
...Cocaine Blues
...Get A Haircut
...Bad To The Bone
...Move It On Over
...Tail Dragger
...Madison Blues
Ghostbusters (HD Download)
...Effect of Negative Reinforcement on ESP Abiltiy
...Venkman Gets Slimed
...Don't Cross The Streams
...Shutting Down The Laser Containment Grid
...Headed for a Disaster of Biblical Proportions
...Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
Hitch (HD Download)
...Albert Gets On Allegra Cole's Radar
...Hitch Meets Sara
...Hitch's Dancing Assessment
...First Kiss 101
...Second Date Allergies
...Group "Blind Dating" by Committee
...Soul Train Dance Line
The Lincoln Lawyer (HD Download)
...Time To Refill The Tank
...Roulet Visits Haller
...Set Up
...Tracking Roulet
...Visit From Mrs. Windsor
Lucy (HD Download)
...Drugs Leak Out
...A Talk With Mr. Jang
...I Need To Talk To You Alone
...Confrontation At The Hospital
The Mask Of Zorro (HD Download)
...Zorro Save The Innocent
...The Training Circle
...Alejandro Makes His Mark
...A Passioinate Dance of Distraction
...Zorro Has Returned
...Elena Fights Zorro in the Stables
The Negotiator (HD Download)
...Farley Takes A Shot
...Sabian Hangs Up
...Three Bullets Center Mass
...FBI Takes Over and Goes In
Pitch Black (HD Download)
...Into the Tunnels
...Coring Room
...Riddick and Johns at Odds
...Killing Each Other
...Blind Spot
...We Can't Leave Without Saying Goodnight
Planes (BR Disc)
...Why Didn't I Listen To Dottie?
...Leg 3: Germany to India
...Leg 4: India to Nepal
...USS Dwight D. Flysenhower
...Skipper Helps Out
Pompeii (HD Download)
...The Call Him "The Celt"
...Preliminary Tremors
...Recreation: Annihilation of the Celtic Rebellion
...Eruption of Mount Vesuvius
...Tidal Wave
...1000 Dinari
...My Gods Are Coming For You
Resident Evil (HD Download)
...The Queen's Defense Mechanism
...Why Aren't They Dying?
...One of the Hive's Early Experiments
Riddick (HD Download)
...Alien Dingos
...Krone Tries To Kill Riddick
...Alien Scorpion
...Emergency Beacon
...Second Ship
...Busy Night
...Johns Takes Over
...The Cave
...Switch To Our Ground Game
Serenity (HD Download)
...Escaping With River
...Chased By Reavers
...We Need To Talk To Mr. Universe
...Mal, What Are You Doing Here?
...I'm Reading Activity In the Clouds
Spy Game (HD Download)
...Red Shirt
...Uncle's Plow Horse
...Breakfast In Beirut
...Lebanese Militia Attack
...Preparation For An Op
...Using CIA Resources For Personal Benefit
...Operation Dinner Out
Starship Troopers (HD Download)
...Federal Network News
...Shuttle Flight
...Hell of a Flight Team
...Invasion of Klendathu
...Tango Urilla - Fleet Glasses the Planet
...Tango Urilla - M.I. Mops Up
...Planet P Outpost
Transformers: Age of Extinction (BR Disc)
...Dinosaur Extinction Event
...Eliminating Ratchet
...Calling All Autobots
...Punch, Hold, Slide, Repeat
...Stand With Us....Or Stand Against Me
A Walk Amoung the Tombstones (HD Download)
...Bar Robbery
...The Exchange
White House Down (HD Download)
...Capital Bombing
...Putting On The Glasses For A Better Shot
...Presidential Limousine Ride
...President Throws Hand Grenade
...Black Hawk Attack
...Waving Off Air Strike
You're Next (HD Download)
...It Begins
...Running To Get Help
...Fighting Back
...Setting A Trap
...Ambush In Basement
...Kitchen Finale

1) Scenes are only loaded for movies that are on the system. If you add movies at a later date you can re-import the file to add scenes to those new movies.
2) Once the scenes have been loaded the system will "remember" them so that if you delete a movie and then reload it the scenes will still be marked.
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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