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Latest KoS Version & Changelog?

The play all Scenes option is really missed especially on your own home movies. Not sure why that had to go. Mike any thoughts??
I hope adding the ability to cancel an update if it not important to the owner such sonic update just adding a Spanish subtitle so if some one doesn’t want to update he can cancel If it’s not major update such adding atmos or encoding etc ..

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Howdy folks,

Wanted to just give you a heads up of a release that is starting its roll-out process now. kOS 10.7.3 is a narrow bug-fix release. The most notable issues addressed are related to certain content that could not be downloaded, and a situation that could cause missing cover art. As usual, software releases are done in stages over the course of a couple of weeks, starting with employees and dealers, to reduce risk of a subtle bug that we didn’t catch in testing reaching customer systems.
Mine updated this morning and I just got a noticed that one of my Terras has a hard drive failure. Timing seems strange but sent a note to support. SJ
There are a number of good bug fixes in 10.8. I've highlighted the most important below:
  • Multiple improvements to eliminate audio and video stalls, drops, or silence
  • Fixed issue that would cause downloads to be blocked waiting for a guide update during user activity
  • Fixed an issue that caused Terra HDDs to spin up unexpectedly.
  • Deleting a grouped selection from the browser interface works as expected
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Terra hard disks from spinning down
  • Attempting to queue extras for download via the OSD store no longer causes an error or prompts the user to repurchase the content
I should have mentioned -- we also made some improvements to the onscreen movie store on Strato. There's been some reorganization on the store details sheets to more cleanly present things like the Rotten Tomatoes scores and Common Sense Media ratings, the included video qualities, and the audio formats (including graphical icons for Dolby Atmos and DTS:X, as in the mobile app). Those improvements carry over to the covers view in the store, as well, with more information displayed on the slide-out next to the highlighted cover.
I should have mentioned -- we also made some improvements to the onscreen movie store on Strato. There's been some reorganization on the store details sheets to more cleanly present things like the Rotten Tomatoes scores and Common Sense Media ratings, the included video qualities, and the audio formats (including graphical icons for Dolby Atmos and DTS:X, as in the mobile app). Those improvements carry over to the covers view in the store, as well, with more information displayed on the slide-out next to the highlighted cover.

Will we see similar additions to the cards when viewing owned/downloaded content as well?
I can't really discuss future plans in detail, but it's definitely under consideration. I know that many of us personally value things like the Rotten Tomatoes or Common Sense Media information when deciding what movie to watch, for example.
I would really prefer to not see Rotten Tomatoes or Common Sense Media stuff when viewing my collection. In the store, sure. But when I'm viewing my collection I prefer the clean interface.
I would really prefer to not see Rotten Tomatoes or Common Sense Media stuff when viewing my collection. In the store, sure. But when I'm viewing my collection I prefer the clean interface.

Where do you see these? I don’t see them in the OSD or the Second Screen app. Also, on the Store you can set your default to not show these.

They're in the Second Screen app when you view the movie details. In kOS 10.8, in the onscreen store, the Rotten Tomatoes ratings appear below the movie synopsis in the movie covers view (alongside the purchase price and the video/audio format badges). So, only for the currently highlighted movie.

In the movie details within the onscreen store, Rotten Tomatoes and Common Sense Media information is in the top right corner, again along with the video/audio badges.

I'm sorry I don't have any screen shots available.
Per Mike's descriptions, here is a screenshot of the onscreen store detail sheet. You can see the Rotten Tomatoes and Common Sense Media ratings in the top right corner. You can also see the video and audio format badges that Mike mentioned:
NOTE: When viewing the detail sheet in the local library view, the Rotten Tomatoes and Common Sense Media ratings are not displayed.

Here is a detail sheet from the Second Screen app. You can see the Rotten Tomatoes and Common Sense Media ratings at the bottom of the detail sheet.
Tapping the Rotten Tomatoes or Common Sense Media buttons will display more detailed information.
Rotten Tomatoes:
and Common Sense Media:
Tapping the arrow icon to the left of the movie title will return you to the main detail sheet.
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I like that a LOT. +1 vote to having that on all the movie cards in all views on the device including the library. @J.Green
I saw a new version update made to Premiere on 1/12/21. 8.6.2-21846. Mike can you update us on changes?
No significant changes in kOS 8.6.2-21846.

  • Flash support was removed from the browser interface. The only thing this was used for was the chime sound that played when an import completed. The chime is now handled without needing flash.
  • Some fixes for how content was being displayed on Safari browsers.
NOTE: with the removal of Flash support, there is a known issue where the import complete chime doesn't function on Safari. This will be fixed in a later release.