Disappointing, I would love if that could somehow be fixed in the future, but from the sounds of it, that may not be likely.
I did notice a much bigger issue just now though. It seems as though there is very noticeable edge enhancement/over sharpening that is happening to the image on the Strato V, that does not happen on the Strato C.
I attached two sets of photos from the same scenes of the same movie, played back through the same input on my TV so the TV settings are the same (different inputs on my receiver, and just doing the switching there).
The first of each is from the Strato C, the second of each is from the Strato V.
In the first pair of images, on the Strato V, there is a very noticeable "hot" edge caused by over sharpening on the bottom of the picture, that is not there on the Strato C.
In the second pair, which is showing text during the title card of the movie, there is very noticeable ringing on the text of the Strato V that is not there on the Strato C.
Has this been noticed internally before?