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Strato V Questions


Active member
Nov 25, 2024
I am interested in getting the Strato V and was hoping I could get help with some questions. I have a 65" Sony Bravia OLED TV, and a 5.2 home theater setup using good components. I currently watch a lot of Netflix and Amazon Prime where I find the video (and especially) the audio tracks vary widely in quality. Firstly, is a 65" TV large enough to notice a improvement in the picture? Second, I see that the Strato V doesn't have trailers/previews of movies. That seems like a bit of a disadvantage. Thirdly, are the trailers that you can see with other Kaleidscape units indicative of how the actual movie sounds and looks? This is not always the case with other services, that often use 2.0 audio tracks and full-screen previews rather than the movie's actual surround fomat and letter boxing. Thanks for your help! Jeff
Trailers are cut but the studio and so your mileage will vary as to what they look/sound like. Modern film trailers are generally pretty good, but much older catalog titles I have been underwhelmed by trailers, regardless of format.

You can see a difference on a 65" TV visually, but the audio is going to be a whole different level of upgrade. I have been very underwhelmed by the audio from the streaming services.
Trailers are cut but the studio and so your mileage will vary as to what they look/sound like. Modern film trailers are generally pretty good, but much older catalog titles I have been underwhelmed by trailers, regardless of format.

You can see a difference on a 65" TV visually, but the audio is going to be a whole different level of upgrade. I have been very underwhelmed by the audio from the streaming services.
Thanks. That makes sense about trailers. Glad you think I will see a difference because a lot of streaming movies look good already. Sound is definitely not consistent. I just purchased a couple of new rear surrounds and as a result movie soundtracks have already moved up a level. Hope trailers for the Strato V will be added eventually. Thanks again. Jeff
With kOS 10.20.0, trailers are available on the OSD Store for Strato V (the trailers are also available via the mobile app and the web store).

The trailers that stream from the store are _not_ indicative of the quality you will get when you download the movie. Our store trailers are supplied by a third party service.
With kOS 10.20.0, trailers are available on the OSD Store for Strato V (the trailers are also available via the mobile app and the web store).

The trailers that stream from the store are _not_ indicative of the quality you will get when you download the movie. Our store trailers are supplied by a third party service.
Thanks John. That’s good to know!
Thanks Brian. That's what everyone's saying. My gosh...better sound is almost...frightening!:)
Welcome to the group! Lots of amazing insightful folks here including some great Kscape employees that chime in as well! I swapped to the V and have a multi purpose room with an LG 83" G3 and the picture looks amazing with Dolby Vision for sure. I have a 7.2.4 setup and happy to answer any questions you might have in regards to a "living room" setup.
Welcome to the group! Lots of amazing insightful folks here including some great Kscape employees that chime in as well! I swapped to the V and have a multi purpose room with an LG 83" G3 and the picture looks amazing with Dolby Vision for sure. I have a 7.2.4 setup and happy to answer any questions you might have in regards to a "living room" setup.
Thanks. Sounds like you have a great system! I've got a 65" OLED and, unfortunately, my experiments with Dolby Vision have not been too good. The problem is that it's simply to bright for my eyes and I don't really want to make adjustments to the TV to compensate. This is probably because my "older eyes" are more light sensitive. If this is true with Kaleidescape, what should I choose other than Dolby vision? I play my Apple TV 4K box at 4k SDR because it tells me that my TV doesn't support 4K HRD or Dolby vision. That's not right because on my Roku box I can get both although I really can't see any differences between 4K SDR and 4K HDR. Here again, Dolby Vision is too bright. So...is 4K HDR the next best setting for Dolby Vision movies? Thanks.
Thanks. Sounds like you have a great system! I've got a 65" OLED and, unfortunately, my experiments with Dolby Vision have not been too good. The problem is that it's simply to bright for my eyes and I don't really want to make adjustments to the TV to compensate. This is probably because my "older eyes" are more light sensitive. If this is true with Kaleidescape, what should I choose other than Dolby vision? I play my Apple TV 4K box at 4k SDR because it tells me that my TV doesn't support 4K HRD or Dolby vision. That's not right because on my Roku box I can get both although I really can't see any differences between 4K SDR and 4K HDR. Here again, Dolby Vision is too bright. So...is 4K HDR the next best setting for Dolby Vision movies? Thanks.
My eyes are in the same boat! Typically DV is dimmer overall rather than too bright generally.... Im not tech savvy enough to point out the specifics, however, DV typically adjusts Brightness scene by scene by generally dimming the darker scenes and brightening the brighter areas for POP. If you have a DV capable TV and have those issues there might be a setting issue.
My eyes are in the same boat! Typically DV is dimmer overall rather than too bright generally.... Im not tech savvy enough to point out the specifics, however, DV typically adjusts Brightness scene by scene by generally dimming the darker scenes and brightening the brighter areas for POP. If you have a DV capable TV and have those issues there might be a setting issue.
Thanks. Either way I’m looking forward to giving it a try!:)
You may want to consider investing in having your display ISF calibrated. Colors will be more natural including whites not being so "blue".

Calibration usually dims the overall brightness as well.
You may want to consider investing in having your display ISF calibrated. Colors will be more natural including whites not being so "blue".

Thanks. I'm not sure how to do this but I'll check into it!
Calibration usually dims the overall brightness as well.
Thanks. I'll check into it. Let's say I download a movie in Dolby Vision and I don't like the way it looks. Do I have the option of changing the movie to 4K HDR or something else? I assume that there is a default setting that will automatically play the movie in whatever the best resolution is. Also...pulled the trigger yesterday and bought the Strato V. No turning back now!:)
You can download any or all versions. I downloaded all three 4K versions of the Dark Knight so I could do comparisons.
Thanks. Sounds like you have a great system! I've got a 65" OLED and, unfortunately, my experiments with Dolby Vision have not been too good. The problem is that it's simply to bright for my eyes and I don't really want to make adjustments to the TV to compensate. This is probably because my "older eyes" are more light sensitive. If this is true with Kaleidescape, what should I choose other than Dolby vision? I play my Apple TV 4K box at 4k SDR because it tells me that my TV doesn't support 4K HRD or Dolby vision. That's not right because on my Roku box I can get both although I really can't see any differences between 4K SDR and 4K HDR. Here again, Dolby Vision is too bright. So...is 4K HDR the next best setting for Dolby Vision movies? Thanks.
Dolby Vision takes an HDR signal and makes it easier to display on a display that doesn't have the maximum brightness capabilities to support true HDR. You don't need Dolby Vision if your display can natively display HDR as it's intended to be -- most displays cannot, hence the need for tone mapping, which is what Dolby Vision attempts to do.

Using your Apple TV in 4K SDR is exactly what you are supposed to do. It will still output HDR when the content is HDR.
Thanks. I'll check into it. Let's say I download a movie in Dolby Vision and I don't like the way it looks. Do I have the option of changing the movie to 4K HDR or something else? I assume that there is a default setting that will automatically play the movie in whatever the best resolution is. Also...pulled the trigger yesterday and bought the Strato V. No turning back now!:)
Dolby Vision uses an HDR signal and makes it "better" for a display that doesn't support the full brightness required for HDR. It seems like you are confusing the terminology, which is easy to do since it is so confusing. It's not either DV or HDR. You need content in HDR to use DV.
Dolby Vision takes an HDR signal and makes it easier to display on a display that doesn't have the maximum brightness capabilities to support true HDR. You don't need Dolby Vision if your display can natively display HDR as it's intended to be -- most displays cannot, hence the need for tone mapping, which is what Dolby Vision attempts to do.

Using your Apple TV in 4K SDR is exactly what you are supposed to do. It will still output HDR when the content is HDR.
Thanks for that explanation. So....when I rent or purchase movies should I get the Dolby Vision version, or simply an HDR version? If choose the Dolby Vision version and I don't like it, can I change plain HDR? On my Roku box I can tell no difference between 4K SDR and 4K HDR. I guess I'm still having problems with the terminology, but everything usually looks great.
I had typed a long message that is now lost...

DV requires HDR. It's not two different formats. DV is applied to HDR content.
If you cannot tell the difference between SDR and HDR with Roku, it won't make a difference with DV - it may even make it worse.

You need a DV display to use DV.