I am interested in getting the Strato V and was hoping I could get help with some questions. I have a 65" Sony Bravia OLED TV, and a 5.2 home theater setup using good components. I currently watch a lot of Netflix and Amazon Prime where I find the video (and especially) the audio tracks vary widely in quality. Firstly, is a 65" TV large enough to notice a improvement in the picture? Second, I see that the Strato V doesn't have trailers/previews of movies. That seems like a bit of a disadvantage. Thirdly, are the trailers that you can see with other Kaleidscape units indicative of how the actual movie sounds and looks? This is not always the case with other services, that often use 2.0 audio tracks and full-screen previews rather than the movie's actual surround fomat and letter boxing. Thanks for your help! Jeff