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Strato V HD Compatibility Analysis

That is slow progress indeed. I am fortunate as I am a new K user and only have 1 purchased movie not yet converted (The Music Man). There are other disc to digital conversions I am not purchasing until the HD version is available. I will not watch SD versions either.
Of my 664 movies, I still have 77 HD movies (~12%) that remain unconverted to be compatible with the Strato V. About 49 of the 77 have SD versions available for download, but I will not be watching movies in SD. 28 movies remain unconverted and without an SD format option. Of those, 14 (50%) are concerts (my favorite use of Kaleidescape). The conversion has been very slow going. There was a period where I was getting a conversion about every day, but there has only been one conversion in the last three weeks. Hope things pick up soon.
I've seen that same pattern. I was getting used to it, then it stopped. It did make me not purchase HD movies that aren't compatible now.
Noticed that K-Store on the web has just updated its Strato V Compatibility screen. I'm using the web store. This came as a shocker to me because the statistics are much worse than the previous information provided. Since I am using Strato V in standalone mode (in a different location than the Terra system), I can't investigate any further right now.

To further confuse matters, if I view the Terra system (called "Strato System in 2nd screenshot below) rather than All My Movies, the numbers are completely different (and less discouraging). Given that 90%+ my titles are downloaded to the Terra's, I don't understand why there is such a difference. I'll investigate further when I get to the Terra system. At first glance, I'm entirely confused.

One the All My Movies screen, it shows 687 HD titles not compatible (but with 519 available in other resolutions). And 168 not available.
On the Terra System screen, it shows 170 HD titles not compatible (but with 94 available in other resolutions). And, 76 not available (AND 74 available in SD only.) This last stat is unusual given that I thought virtually all HD titles were available in SD)

P.S. I have chosen to download a very limited number of titles in HD when they were available in 4K, but far too few to explain explain these new figures and the discrepancies between the two screens (All Movies vs those on my system).

Is it even possible that All My Movies contains HD versions that were included along with 4K purchases, but were not downloaded to the system for obvious reasons (namely, having the 4K version)? Or am I just missing something given my quickness to share these stats?


  • Strato V 1.png
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Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to do the database queries against your library to see how these numbers break down, so I can't explain specifically what's being seen. I have sent your post to the team who can do such things to have them take a look, though.

In the meantime, just to reiterate:
  1. All My Movies shows stats for everything in your library
  2. The pages for your systems show information for what's currently on that system. So, it's expected that the numbers will be different, and they can be quite different.
I'll come back with more information once I hear from the team.
I don't have a V, so no skin in the game, but I've been watching my library just to see how the progress has been coming along.

I've been at 10 movies that were incompatible for awhile now. I have more storage than movies, so everything I own has been downloaded the whole time, with the exception of new purchases.

This new readout seems to be making things much more confusing vs the level of confusing the previous display was, and I didn't actually think that was possible. I had figured out what was meant by the different groupings previously, but now I'm just completely confused.
Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to do the database queries against your library to see how these numbers break down, so I can't explain specifically what's being seen. I have sent your post to the team who can do such things to have them take a look, though.

In the meantime, just to reiterate:
  1. All My Movies shows stats for everything in your library
  2. The pages for your systems show information for what's currently on that system. So, it's expected that the numbers will be different, and they can be quite different.
I'll come back with more information once I hear from the team.
Thanks, Mike. I understand that All My Movies shows everything purchased whereas System movies shows only those downloaded. But, since the number of movies I have deleted pale in comparison to the discrepancies between the two reports, there's something else at work here.
Howdy. That was quick. I got a bit of feedback from the team.

For the "all my movies" case, the yellow number is showing the number of movies where the HD version is not playable on Strato V, regardless of whether there are other qualities available or owned. If you scroll down, this number is broken down into different groups, including the movies that you already own in 4K where the 4K version can be downloaded, and movies that can be upgraded to 4K. For example, here's a section of the page from my own account:

Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 4.35.32 PM.png
Howdy. That was quick. I got a bit of feedback from the team.

For the "all my movies" case, the yellow number is showing the number of movies where the HD version is not playable on Strato V, regardless of whether there are other qualities available or owned. If you scroll down, this number is broken down into different groups, including the movies that you already own in 4K where the 4K version can be downloaded, and movies that can be upgraded to 4K. For example, here's a section of the page from my own account:

View attachment 5908
Yes, I understand that as well. But, the number is broken down into available 4K versions as well on the System Screen, and here are those discrepancies.

All My Movies: 265 are available in 4K for download or upgrade.
My System: 20 are available in 4K for download or upgrade.

BTW, I don't want to monopolize this thread but I post here because I assume that others will be as confused as I. I will withhold further posts until I get to my Terra system. (The HD breakdowns --akin to the 4K breakdowns) are even wilder.
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I haven’t had a chance to dig in yet, but upon first glance the All My Movies appears to address the concern that started this thread. Namely, for all of the prior screens, if you already had a compatible movie downloaded, then the movie wouldn’t appear in any count.

For instance, you have a movie downloaded in 4K, but also in HD because it’s a better transfer, alternate cut, or has Extras. The HD version IS NOT compatible, but since you have the 4K version on your system, it’s not included in any prior Not Compatible lists.

I’ll dig in a bit later and compare to the spreadsheet that I’ve made to track my titles.
Yes, I understand that as well. But, the number is broken down into available 4K versions as well on the System Screen, and here are those discrepancies.

All My Movies: 265 are available in 4K for download or upgrade.
My System: 20 are available in 4K for download or upgrade.

BTW, I don't want to monopolize this thread but I post here because I assume that others will be as confused as I. I will withhold further posts until I get to my Terra system. (The HD breakdowns --akin to the 4K breakdowns) are even wilder.
This suggests to me that there are movies that you own, where the HD version is not compatible (among the 256), but the HD versions of most of those movies are not on your system.
Seems like the language/breakdown needs to be more clear.

You own 500 movies.
400 of those movies are fully compatible with your Strato V in all available resolutions.
70 movies are incompatible with your Strato V in HD but available in 4K and/or HD.
20 movies are incompatible with your Strato V in HD but available in SD.
10 movies are incompatible with your Strato V.
Seems like the language/breakdown needs to be more clear.

You own 500 movies.
400 of those movies are fully compatible with your Strato V in all available resolutions.
70 movies are incompatible with your Strato V in HD but available in 4K and/or HD.
20 movies are incompatible with your Strato V in HD but available in SD.
10 movies are incompatible with your Strato V.
Yes, that's basically what K-Scape is trying to do with the possible exception of the first 400 movies you cite (since this is a HD compatibly report and not a report regarding compatibility with all available resolutions). However, it appears that, when you purchase a 4K title (which includes the HD version), the Compatibility report includes those associated HD versions that you effectively did not care to purchase and download (even though it is included in the 4K purchase). This seems completely misleading because you own a compatible 4K version (and could care less--generally--about the HD version). This may account for the crazy numbers that I cited in this thread. This may be the major anomaly but there may be others.
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Wow, Seeing the size of these colelctions, makes me realize just how much a newbie I am... :)

For me and my TINY collection the new format seems better....but I think it should skip including movies that are HD incompatible but I already have them in 4k....cause how cares...I would never want them in HD if they exist in 4k. Same for compatible HD only titles...I could care less that I have SD versions available.

this is the saddest part of my report. :(

Just confirming my assumptions:
"All My Movies" lets you get a full picture of incompatible HD titles you own.
"Downloaded Movies" only shows incompatible HD titles where SD or 4K don't exist.

So, K is basically providing you with bookends of data. Chances are, for most people, the "Desired Updates" lies somewhere in the middle. When I previously set out to assemble my own list, I had to manually construct it from multiple views. With the new All My Movies views, I could much more easily do this with the "HD Update Not Yet Available" screen.

This thread started from a perspective of "Just because it's in 4K/SD, that doesn't mean I don't want to know about incompatibility." And, K has now delivered an unfiltered screen that shows every incompatible HD title you own, whether you care about it or not. I think it's the best they can do. I appreciate it and thank them @MikeKobb .

Read on if you care about some HD vs. 4K examples...

Regarding "If it's 4K I don't care about HD", here's some sample use cases from my own library:
Aliens: Don't like the AI enhanced 4K? Beautiful HD master just sitting right there.
Apocalypse Now: 4K Final Cut, Theatrical and Remix are HD.
Blade Runner: 4K Final Cut, HD has four (4) additional cuts.
The Doors: 4K Final Cut, HD Theatrical.
The Expendables: 4K Theatrical, HD Extended Cut.
Ghostbusters - Answer the Call: 4K Theatrical, HD Extended Cut.
Hansel & Gretel - Witch Hunters: 4K Theatrical, HD Extended Cut.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Many people prefer the HD masters over the 4K.
Suicide Squad: 4K Theatrical, HD Extended Cut.
Terminator 2: The 4K famously repurposes the 3D master which scrubbed all grain (and some detail). The HD is not only a superior viewing experience, it also includes all three cuts of the movie.
Terminator Salvation: 4K Theatrical, HD Extended Cut.

The above is off the top of my head; there's more examples to be sure, and more cases where the HD is simply preferred to the 4K for various reasons. There's also examples where the HD version has unique or preferable audio tracks, whether immersive or commentary. And then there's Extras, which have often required downloading the full HD version (John Wick series, Oceans series, Superman series, etc.). Hopefully this will be largely addressed by compatibility updates. Certainly these examples are a minority of cases, but they were previously invisible.
To me, the new version is more simplified and easy to understand. Yes, the numbers may be more scary, but I agree with @rafaelsmith I'm not concerned about the HD not available if it is already available in 4k.
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Just confirming my assumptions:
"All My Movies" lets you get a full picture of incompatible HD titles you own.
"Downloaded Movies" only shows incompatible HD titles where SD or 4K don't exist.

So, K is basically providing you with bookends of data. Chances are, for most people, the "Desired Updates" lies somewhere in the middle. When I previously set out to assemble my own list, I had to manually construct it from multiple views. With the new All My Movies views, I could much more easily do this with the "HD Update Not Yet Available" screen.

This thread started from a perspective of "Just because it's in 4K/SD, that doesn't mean I don't want to know about incompatibility." And, K has now delivered an unfiltered screen that shows every incompatible HD title you own, whether you care about it or not. I think it's the best they can do. I appreciate it and thank them @MikeKobb .

Read on if you care about some HD vs. 4K examples...

Regarding "If it's 4K I don't care about HD", here's some sample use cases from my own library:
Aliens: Don't like the AI enhanced 4K? Beautiful HD master just sitting right there.
Apocalypse Now: 4K Final Cut, Theatrical and Remix are HD.
Blade Runner: 4K Final Cut, HD has four (4) additional cuts.
The Doors: 4K Final Cut, HD Theatrical.
The Expendables: 4K Theatrical, HD Extended Cut.
Ghostbusters - Answer the Call: 4K Theatrical, HD Extended Cut.
Hansel & Gretel - Witch Hunters: 4K Theatrical, HD Extended Cut.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Many people prefer the HD masters over the 4K.
Suicide Squad: 4K Theatrical, HD Extended Cut.
Terminator 2: The 4K famously repurposes the 3D master which scrubbed all grain (and some detail). The HD is not only a superior viewing experience, it also includes all three cuts of the movie.
Terminator Salvation: 4K Theatrical, HD Extended Cut.

The above is off the top of my head; there's more examples to be sure, and more cases where the HD is simply preferred to the 4K for various reasons. There's also examples where the HD version has unique or preferable audio tracks, whether immersive or commentary. And then there's Extras, which have often required downloading the full HD version (John Wick series, Oceans series, Superman series, etc.). Hopefully this will be largely addressed by compatibility updates. Certainly these examples are a minority of cases, but they were previously invisible.
"All My Movies" shows everything purchased whereas "My System" movies shows only those downloaded to the server(s).

Many of us, like you, care about the HD version even when a 4K version is available. However, the methodology of MY MOVIES appears to include the HD version associated with every 4K purchase made. Therefore, the MY MOVIES section offers little insight and, in fact, is misleading since one purchases/downloads the version one prefers. If it is 4K, it is compatible. If it is HD, it may or may not be.

One would then conclude that the stats associated with MY SYSTEM (downloaded movies) would be more valuable since that includes the versions one prefers. HOWEVER, this is not the case for many users as they do not house all their movies on their servers due to storage or other limitations.

Others may disagree but, therefore, I believe that the Compatibility analysis (ALL MY MOVIES report) should NOT include HD titles for every 4K purchase made. Case in point: In my case: MY MOVIES shows 687 HD Updates Not Yet Available (due presumably to the inclusion of the 4K versions I have purchased) with 519 of them available in other resolutions--hardly useful information. MY SYSTEM shows 170 HD Updates Not Yet Available with 94 available in other resolutions.

Also, My System report indicates that 74 are not available at all (while 76 are available in SD). This also makes little sense to me since I thought all (or almost all HD) titles in HD had SD counterparts.
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The Strato V Compatibility screens have been updated again, bringing the Downloaded Movies section in line with the new All My Movies. There are dedicated sections for HD Only, 4K Available, and SD Available. As a data nerd, I'm not sure what else I'd ask for at this point.

In addition, after seeing 1-2 updates a day for 6 weeks and then a dry spell, roughly 50 HD compatibility updates hit my library. Kudos to K.
I recently added the Strato V as my main player because of the addition of Dolby Vision. I thought I would just need to upgrade my individual movies that have Dolby Vision available. I was not expecting the hornets nest I have encountered with all the hd format conversions. This is hundreds of titles for me. AND it seems to be eating up storage space! I thought this hd conversion would be a one-for-one exchange and not affect my Terra server at all. Can someone please explain…?