Just confirming my assumptions:
"All My Movies" lets you get a full picture of incompatible HD titles you own.
"Downloaded Movies" only shows incompatible HD titles where SD or 4K don't exist.
So, K is basically providing you with bookends of data. Chances are, for most people, the "Desired Updates" lies somewhere in the middle. When I previously set out to assemble my own list, I had to manually construct it from multiple views. With the new All My Movies views, I could much more easily do this with the "HD Update Not Yet Available" screen.
This thread started from a perspective of "Just because it's in 4K/SD, that doesn't mean I don't want to know about incompatibility." And, K has now delivered an unfiltered screen that shows every incompatible HD title you own, whether you care about it or not. I think it's the best they can do. I appreciate it and thank them
@MikeKobb .
Read on if you care about some HD vs. 4K examples...
Regarding "If it's 4K I don't care about HD", here's some sample use cases from my own library:
Aliens: Don't like the AI enhanced 4K? Beautiful HD master just sitting right there.
Apocalypse Now: 4K Final Cut, Theatrical and Remix are HD.
Blade Runner: 4K Final Cut, HD has four (4) additional cuts.
The Doors: 4K Final Cut, HD Theatrical.
The Expendables: 4K Theatrical, HD Extended Cut.
Ghostbusters - Answer the Call: 4K Theatrical, HD Extended Cut.
Hansel & Gretel - Witch Hunters: 4K Theatrical, HD Extended Cut.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Many people prefer the HD masters over the 4K.
Suicide Squad: 4K Theatrical, HD Extended Cut.
Terminator 2: The 4K famously repurposes the 3D master which scrubbed all grain (and some detail). The HD is not only a superior viewing experience, it also includes all three cuts of the movie.
Terminator Salvation: 4K Theatrical, HD Extended Cut.
The above is off the top of my head; there's more examples to be sure, and more cases where the HD is simply preferred to the 4K for various reasons. There's also examples where the HD version has unique or preferable audio tracks, whether immersive or commentary. And then there's Extras, which have often required downloading the full HD version (John Wick series, Oceans series, Superman series, etc.). Hopefully this will be largely addressed by compatibility updates. Certainly these examples are a minority of cases, but they were previously invisible.