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Scaling and processing question


I have a Samsung 1080P DLP set (which apparently can take inputs of: 480i/p, 720p, and 1080i).

I just recently purchased a Denon 3808 which has a recent faroudja chipset in it (sorry don't know anything more about it than that) which does video processing for either A to D or D to D (passthru?).

and I have a movie player (can never remember the model number but it is the last version outputting 1080i, not 1080p like the new players).

Is this just try and see what I like the look of or does theory and practice meet somewhere here?

What should I output at from the player resolution-wise? Should I scal or deinterlace or whatever is going on in my new Denon, in my Samsung? or in the player? or not at all? There are a few too many permutations here for me to try everything so I'd like to know if there is a common practice or a way to look at this logically to get the best output from my K player.

(then I might ask about my comcast dvr box which has variable output resolutions and my HD Series 3 TIVO box which does this as well!) :)

Not sure which model Samsung you have, but if it's "native resolution" is 1920 x 1080, you would want to (probably) send it HDMI 1080i from the Movie Player 2 (which is what you have based on your description). I say "probably" because it is always possible that a different rez output could produce a better image. Testing the different player outputs is the best way to know, and most of us use the "Covers" page to evaluate the image (but you should obviously test other material as well). Regarding chipsets and processing, it is possible to have two exact chipsets in two different devices and get different results. Processing is more than the chipset alone, it involves the manufacturer's own implementation and can vary widely among manufacturers.

To further complicate things some flat panels have excellent processing, in which case you might consider sending 480i content and let the display handle the processing. Alternatively, the display's processing could be mediocre and having another pre-display device in the chain do the processing and then send the content in the display's native rez would likely yield a better image. Testing and more testing is the only way to be sure.

From the description you give it sounds like you have an early 1080p set if it does not accept 1080p. Regardless I would set the output of the k-scape to 1080i and let the display do the de-interlacing. I would also do the same for the Tivo/Cable box. The Denon should be set for A to D at a 1080i output.I would definatley not want the Samsung doing any processing.