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Is D-BOX still a thing?


Well-known member
⭐️ Premium ⭐️
Mar 25, 2021
Is D-Box still supported on Strato players?

Is D-Box programming available for new releases? (HD, 4K)


D-box is beginning to move back into the homeowner space having neglected it to focus on commercial (theater, etc.) accounts. Last I spoke with them they were planning to restart that market this year, but I have not updated my info in 6+ months so currently have no idea how far along they are in that plan, but they are currently supporting recent releases, including The Batman, Unchartered, The Lost City, Morbius, etc..

The last time I checked (awhile ago) all Kaleidescape players had output that supported Dbox systems. I can confirm that was the case on all M-class players, Cinema One, and Alto, but I have not confirmed with regard to Strato Players (but should be fine). Maybe Mike or John can comment.

...the same buddy texted me this morning and said the chase scene with the Penguin was so good it is now his new D-Box demo scene.
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It's a haptic technology that adds to the movie viewing experience by creating movement in your seating. The seat movements match certain on-screen movements in movies that they have coded. You have to have dbox enabled seats, dbox controllers, and be watching a coded dbox movie. See more here: D-BOX | Moving the World With Haptic Technology

Has anyone had the chance to experience a D-Box three-axis platform with a couch sitting on it where your feet can sit flat on the floor and the whole platform moves, rather than the couch moving with your feet touching the floor where the floor remains stationary?

Having an entire platform move is a whole different experience. It feels like a Disneyland ride rather than a moving chair. Way better. Is it true that they discontinued the platform kits?
I have tried the platforms, and do like it a little better, but the newest gear works great as well. I do believe the platforms have been discontinued, I no longer see that product listed, but I'll check with them later this week.

The legacy dvd-rom controller is no longer supported with updates but will work with the content already in the system. The Haptisync product is the newest controller. Companies like Jaymar offer single seat solutions, but non-stock items are in for a wait.

D-BOX Experience/Jaymar

That said, it can be impressive to see a line of four recliners in motion - as long as everyone wants to participate :-)

Although not a 'theater chair' product, for gaming content they have partnered with Cooler Master for the Motion1 - PC only, but will handle movie content.

Links are for additional info, posted just for fun.
If anyone has a dbox/K system still active, I am trying to test an old, disc-based system and would love some programmed titles to test. It may operate in an auto mode, but I wanted to try somethino that was known to work, specifically.

I am not sure if the mechanism is powered and live but the massage and heat functions work.

Does D-Box still make the platforms? The only way to experience D-Box properly is with the floor moving too, so your feet never rest on the floor while the chair moves.
Does D-Box still make the platforms? The only way to experience D-Box properly is with the floor moving too, so your feet never rest on the floor while the chair moves.

To my knowledge, they stopped offering the platforms. I spoke with their people about a year ago, and at that time they were still re-connecting with the home theater market (they had been focused on other markets), and were only offering single seat recliners.

Their site still only shows the recliner support.

Does D-Box still make the platforms? The only way to experience D-Box properly is with the floor moving too, so your feet never rest on the floor while the chair moves.
Reclining works too, the ticket as you say your feet should never touch the floor. As a form of alternative medicine I tried d-box again at cedia after having had one of my pistons broken here for 3 years, this is the second time that D-Box has releived some back pain, highly therapeutical! :D
Reclining works too, the ticket as you say your feet should never touch the floor. As a form of alternative medicine I tried d-box again at cedia after having had one of my pistons broken here for 3 years, this is the second time that D-Box has releived some back pain, highly therapeutical! :D
Someone get the FDA going on this, so we can write our home theatres off as medical deductions for chiropractic expenditures.
It wasn't hard to see this coming. Even with the move back to the home-theater market a couple/few years ago, they were not very responsive to dealer inquiries in my opinion. We made several attempts to gain access to support a few clients that owned their products purchased from other dealers, but it was difficult to get a call back. I do note that when we did reach someone they were very friendly and helpful, so perhaps it was just a matter of having the personnel numbers to fully market to and support the home market, not sure.

Yeah, similar experience here. I guess the support<>revenue ratio was just so much worse compared to the commercial area.
However, no info about the gaming business - any news about that?