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Covers and Filters by Collection


New member
Jun 24, 2024
I am also posting this in both the Tips forums, in case there is a current hack to achieve this.

I would like the ability to have the Covers view display only films from a specific collection (New, in particular).

Additionally, it would be helpful to be able to filter movies by collection, so that I can check Genres or Runtimes for New movies only.
You can filter movies by Collection for all your movies and sort by all of the available fields (including runtime and genre) in the browser at my-kaleidescape.local.

Totally agree on cover view by Collection which is my #2 requested feature, right behind having the ability to hide Collections we never use like Songs, Scenes and Played.
Just as an aside, the 2nd Screen app on iPad will do a covers view by collection. I agree it would be nice to have this for the OSD.

I agree, it would be nice to sort by release date or new or something so we have an organized view of what is new / up next in the watch queue. I might buy 5 movies before I start watching them and currently they are kind of lost in the mix with older content.
Just as an aside, the 2nd Screen app on iPad will do a covers view by collection. I agree it would be nice to have this for the OSD.

While not ideal, you can also cast this to your Apple TV 4K, select your movie in Second Screen, hit play and then switch to the K input. Works great for us.

And to FenceMan's request - you could create a Collection for Recent and add the new movies to that.
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  1. Covers view of collections
  2. Collection visibility/manageability across all apps, web interfaces and displays
  3. Wish list visibility in store OSD
1. Software lock VAR content to 2.40:1
2. Everything else is in the nice to have category for me

I’ve deleted everything that I don’t want to have in my cover view.