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1080p Mini Player and latest software release


New member
I wonder if someone could help me please.

I've had a 1080i player and a 3U server for about 10 months now and I recently added the 1080p mini player. I've had the latest software update which I understood added a function to the system that gave you the option to play a disc rather than automatically import it. So for rental discs or discs borrowed from friends, there's no danger of accidentally importing them to the server.

Both the 1080i and 1080p units are connected to my network but the video output runs from the 1080p mini player to my projector. I know it's working OK because the projector indicates 1080p when the Kaleidescape starts up. It just used to say 1080i before.

The problem I have is that when I put a disc into the 1080i player, it automatically tries to import it. I don't get an option to play the disc without importing it. I've searched through the various setup menus but I can't see an option that says "ask before importing".

Have I misread the email I received about the software update or am I doing something wrong?

Many thanks
It should work because I have the 1080i (KPlayer 5000) player and I do get this choice- but this choice is not available for a long time and I wonder if this is simply a function of your projector being in its warm up stage so you are missing this message. I am not sure but I think if you go into the installer web page you can change the default choice on this to play it and not import it.
Both the 1080i and 1080p units are connected to my network but the video output runs from the 1080p mini player to my projector. I know it's working OK because the projector indicates 1080p when the Kaleidescape starts up. It just used to say 1080i before.
The problem I have is that when I put a disc into the 1080i player, it automatically tries to import it. I don't get an option to play the disc without importing it. I've searched through the various setup menus but I can't see an option that says "ask before importing".

Have I misread the email I received about the software update or am I doing something wrong?
I am not sure but I think if you go into the installer web page you can change the default choice on this to play it and not import it.

There is no "Ask before importing" option. You can enable or disable importing on a per-player basis via the Installer Web Components page ( http://my-kaleidescape.com/installer/components.html ).With KEAOS 3.6.x the default behaviour of the old players (Pre-1080p/1080p Mini) is to automatically begin importing discs (unless importing has been disabled) inserted in the drive but display the Disc In Tray sheet onscreen, giving the viewer the option to abort the import and begin playing the disc.

However, direct play is local to the player not system wide. If you are viewing the output of the 1080p Mini player -- as you state above -- you will get no messages onscreen since that player isn't the one importing the disc. You would have to switch your projector to accept video input from the KPlayer5000.

It should work because I have the 1080i (KPlayer 5000) player and I do get this choice- but this choice is not available for a long time and I wonder if this is simply a function of your projector being in its warm up stage so you are missing this message.

This is pre-3.6.x behaviour. With 3.6.5, you should see a Disc In Tray sheet on screen that remains displayed until you dismiss it.

Hope this was helpful.
Thank you for the replies.

I have a Linn Unidisk 1.1 DVD player but since installing the Kal system, I rarely use it. Adding the Mini Player was a bonus on the picture side of things but I was really hoping to do away with the Linn following the new Kal software update. I don't import supplementary discs to my Kal server and it would have been convenient simply to use the 1080i KPlayer to view those discs along with rentals etc.

So basically, if I want to see an onscreen option to import or play, then I need to connect the 1080i KPlayer to my projector as well?

Would I be right in saying that if I make that additional connection, any discs I watch with the 1080i KPlayer will only run at a maximum of 1080i? Doesn't that defeat the object of adding a mini player to an existing setup? Or is that not really the idea behind the mini player?
So basically, if I want to see an onscreen option to import or play, then I need to connect the 1080i KPlayer to my projector as well?


Would I be right in saying that if I make that additional connection, any discs I watch with the 1080i KPlayer will only run at a maximum of 1080i? Doesn't that defeat the object of adding a mini player to an existing setup? Or is that not really the idea behind the mini player?

You would be correct. Any discs you direct play via the 1080i player will be displayed at a maximum of 1080i by the KPlayer. If you import the disc using the 1080i player and then play it back with the 1080p Mini player then you would get 1080p output.

If you want to direct play discs at 1080p you would have to buy the full-sized 1080p Player.
OK - thank you very much for your responses

I've spoken to my system installer and what we will do is disconnect the Linn DVD and use it's HDMI connection to hook up the 1080i KPlayer. He can then do some reprogramming of my control system so I can use the same Crestron interface for both players.

Many thanks again.