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The Screening Room 2024 Demonstration v.1 short

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Strato (4k) or Premier script?
Strato (4K)
Here’s mine. I like to keep scenes short (to hold viewer interest, and to make the entire script not more than ~20 minutes.)

And for anyone interested, here are the scenes with what stands out to me:

65 - 1:23:42 - 1:24:25 - explosion on ground, as it approaches and passes you, the same explosion from space and feeling the weight and girth of the ship passing by on your left

Hunter Killer - 0:00:54 - 0:02:40 - feeling of being underwater and sound of subs

Blade Runner 2049 - 0:58:48 - 1:02:33 - great ATMOS. "Buckle up."

Batman Forever - 1:48:07 - 1:48:32 - all around plus low end - identified by the amazing @CINERAMAX IOPH

Ready Player One - 12:38 - 15:54 - what’s to say? Another scene that is still the standard

Lucy - 1:15:04 - 1:17:33 - as she is going back in time, the weight and envelopment of the scene slowing down after each swipe

Mad Max: Fury Road - 0:00 - 2:42 - another standard, great effect of the sand sweeping by at the end of the scene
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ht guy
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  1. 10 vs. 20 minute runtime

    More reasonable length. Shortened scenes from Hunter Killer and Blade Runner 2049 and removed...
  2. ~20 minute script

    With timestamps as listed.