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NEWS: K Announced New Terra Prime Servers


Staff member
Forum Administrator
Authorized Kaleidescape Dealer
I posted the official announcement in the "News" section of the Forum, but adding here as well because it's hardware related.

K has released a new Terra Prime 96TB Server, and has also brought back the 72TB sized Terra, but utilizing the new upgraded Terra Prime chassis for the 72TB.

These two new Terra Prime releases will replace the 88TB Terra Server.

I had a quick skim around but can't find the detail now. I currently have two compact servers (12 TB and 22 TB) and both working well currently. If at some point I wanted to add a new Prime server can I simply add one and gain benefit of the faster speeds (i.e. above 1 gb). I half remember some reference to downloads being restricted to the speeds of the slower existing devices if they were also available. That implies perhaps workarounds of powering down certain devices to achieve that and to get that faster speed or do I have that completely wrong.

In an ideal world I would choose which server each movie is sent to but up until these new servers were released I think movies simply go to the server with the most free space.

I did try to find the detail but it's not prominently placed and so I thought better to ask.
I believe the new Terra Prime will take over the downloads at the faster speeds until it is full. Your compact Terra servers will be used next at their original capabilities.
I had a quick skim around but can't find the detail now. I currently have two compact servers (12 TB and 22 TB) and both working well currently. If at some point I wanted to add a new Prime server can I simply add one and gain benefit of the faster speeds (i.e. above 1 gb). I half remember some reference to downloads being restricted to the speeds of the slower existing devices if they were also available. That implies perhaps workarounds of powering down certain devices to achieve that and to get that faster speed or do I have that completely wrong.

In an ideal world I would choose which server each movie is sent to but up until these new servers were released I think movies simply go to the server with the most free space.

I did try to find the detail but it's not prominently placed and so I thought better to ask.
The fastest server available will download the movie. Currently, the trick is to fill up the slower servers with movies you want to keep locally, and then use the fast server for new movie downloads. Just turn off the fast server, then launch the downloads you want to send to your slower servers, and power up the fast server when done.
It would be neat (as others have noted) if once downloaded you could move them between local servers. TBH the downloads don’t take too long now but there would be moments where it would be handy to choose, download quickly and watch and then move them off to the slower servers.

Thanks for the info/advice.
The fastest server available will download the movie. Currently, the trick is to fill up the slower servers with movies you want to keep locally, and then use the fast server for new movie downloads. Just turn off the fast server, then launch the downloads you want to send to your slower servers, and power up the fast server when done.

I agree it's a PITA. I have suggested to K before that a "storage manager" application would be a welcome addition. Being able to optimize the storage usage on each component would be great. That way, you can squeeze out every last GB of storage. On the bigger Terra servers, with multiple discs, you actually loose whatever full movie doesn't fit on a single drive. Can be 100-150GB worth!