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Recent content by langscinema

  1. L

    DV700 Help

    yes definitely does...... any idea how long it takes to catalog each disc? any chance I could watch a movie while the DV700 is cataloging?
  2. L

    DV700 Help

    Hi......li’m going to be setting up a new vault this week Is there a process I need to follow for inserting and cataloging discs? I have probably 150 Blu-ray Discs and not sure if I need to insert one disc and let it load / catalog with coverart, etc or if I can continue to feed the vault one...
  3. L


    Hi......what should I expect to pay for an Alto 4tb, Strato 6tb and DV700? Ty......John
  4. L

    FOR SALE: Selling a Grandfathered 2nd Gen CinemaOne

    I’m jealous.......been looking for a DV700
  5. L


    SOLD......thank you
  6. L


    Hi everyone, I have a brand new, unopened Cinema One that was sent to me from Kaleidescape to replace my previous Cinema One which was having some disc drive issues. I am upgrading my HT to 4k and getting the Strato It is the grandfathered unit that handles both DVD and CD imports Free...
  7. L


    Hi.....not sure about that as this is a replacement unit, still new, unopened in box I believe my original purchase was late 2013 so if KS goes by original purchase and not replacement then there should be 4-6 months left If interested I can drill down to the exact date John
  8. L


    Hi....just sent you a PM
  9. L


    Hi everyone, I have a brand new, unopened Cinema One that was sent to me from Kaleidescape to replace my previous Cinema One which was having some disc drive issues. I am upgrading my HT to 4k and getting the Strato Anyone interested in this please let me know your offer It is the...
  10. L


    Hi.....hoping you guys can help clarify a question for me: 1) Will the new Alto or Strato allow you to play any and all discs off the DV700 or is it limited to the amount of storage you have on the player?......for example, if I have enough storage on the Alto to play 100 BD movies but have 300...
  11. L

    iPhone App Question

    Hi.....I've been using the iPad app to choose and start movies. I've seen a couple iPhone apps for purchase on the App store, just wanted to see which is the most recommended with the same features as the iPad, most importantly that would start a movie as well Many thanks John
  12. L

    US Releases for March & April 2014

    Yes TY......downloaded it earlier today