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Recent content by hey_cameron

  1. H

    SOLD: KSERVER-5000 with 3.5 TB & a good file system and a new parity-drive.

    FOR SALE: asking $2,500 (but could be interested in trades for maybe a pair of (2nd Gen) Cinema Ones or Altos (bad disk-readers would be okay) or maybe me adding some $ if you have something interesting in the K-family. Total storage capacity in this Server is currently 3.5TB. It's running with...
  2. H

    SOLD: Cinema One - grandfathered, works (except DVD drive)

    If it’s still available I’ll take it. I’m in Olymipa, and will cover shipping. Thanks, Cameron Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. H

    OFF-TOPIC Forum Members, Enter to Win Store Credits

    Thank you Jim for this very generous offer! Please add my name to the drawing as well. I hope all is well with you and yours. Best regards and Happy New Year! Cameron
  4. H

    WANTED: If your're NOT a Premium member, post any "WANTED" items here. (Premium members can make their own "Wanted" post at the main Marketplace forum)

    Belt for KVault-10 K-says "no longer supported / none in stock". I was hoping someone had one they'd want to sell, or a dealer has one in stock they'd like to move. That, or hoping someone would report they found a replacement on Amazon they've tried and found works. That's my next plan if...
  5. H

    FOR SALE: 1U 4 x 4TB, $6,000US, Grandfathered Unit

    M300? Hello, how much are you asking for the M300? I’m a “dually”, born in the states, to Canadian parents, Dad from the West Coast of Vancouver Island and mum from the prairie in Alberta. I’m in Olympia WA, by the way. Cheers, Cameron
  6. H

    WANTED: If your're NOT a Premium member, post any "WANTED" items here. (Premium members can make their own "Wanted" post at the main Marketplace forum)

    K-Vault belt-kit? Does anyone have a belt-kit for the original KVaut (1st version black unit for Blu-rays; unit made by Dacal). I have a broken belt, and need a replacement. Thanks, Cameron
  7. H

    Kaleidescape cinema one second gen

    Hello, is this still available?
  8. H

    WANTED: If your're NOT a Premium member, post any "WANTED" items here. (Premium members can make their own "Wanted" post at the main Marketplace forum)

    Please sell me a new 2x4TB or 2x6TB disk-set Hello, since I had zero responses looking for a used disk-set, would one of you Dealers please PM a quote for a new 2x4TB or 2x6TB disk-set for a 1U Server (I've already got two blanks)? I'm in Washington State, and don't have a Dealer currently...
  9. H

    WANTED: If your're NOT a Premium member, post any "WANTED" items here. (Premium members can make their own "Wanted" post at the main Marketplace forum)

    Small-ish Drive-Set for a 1U K-Server? Hello, I'm looking for a small-ish drive set for a 1RU K-Server. I don't need anything huge; maybe a four disk 2TB set, or a set of 2 or 3 4TB drives, or maybe a set of 2 6TB drives? Anybody got an extra set laying around after they upgraded? Thanks...
  10. H

    Remove a failed disk from set?

    I have a 5U server with a failing disk (#12). Does anyone know if it's possible to remove content, and then un-bless the failed disk from the set in such a way, so that disk #11 would become the parity-disk? It's my understanding that K won't support providing a replacement disk for my failed...
  11. H

    WANTED: If your're NOT a Premium member, post any "WANTED" items here. (Premium members can make their own "Wanted" post at the main Marketplace forum)

    5U Server Blank/add-on disk needed! Looking for a 5U Server blank/add-on disk. I have a 5U Server with one failed disk, and need an add-on disk to protect the file-system. Please PM me if you have one! Thanks, Cameron
  12. H

    WANTED: If your're NOT a Premium member, post any "WANTED" items here. (Premium members can make their own "Wanted" post at the main Marketplace forum)

    Wanted: 1st Gen. Cinema One Side-Panels and/or spare Disk Cartridges * Wanted * side panels and / or 500GB or 1TB add-on Disk Cartridges for a 1st generation Cinema One. Thanks!