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Recent content by demoleon

  1. D

    Setting up Savant Control

    I tried the overscan solution and didn't like it. I guess my masking borders are too perpendicular as the overscan was very visible and bugged me a lot. In thinking about the Envy solution I am a little confused. The envy doesn't know what my mask is set to so how can it detect small black...
  2. D

    Setting up Savant Control

    I do have an Envy so I will try that this weekend. Read through the Envy NLS user guide and seems pretty straight forward. We are currently masking both 2.35 and 2.40 to 2.40 and then I have a preset button for 2.35 if I need it. But the Envy solution seems better. Thanks!
  3. D

    Setting up Savant Control

    Hmm...OK I'll let my programmer know and we'll try it. With the amount of movies in 2.40 seems like that should be one of the values they send natively.
  4. D

    Setting up Savant Control

    We are re-entering all of our masking presets for KScape (4-way screen masking system hasn't worked since install. Finally had a Stewart technician on site and we think it is fixed. Fingers crossed!). All is going well except that when we play a 2.40 aspect ratio movie KScape sends 2.35 to the...
  5. D

    Studio reluctance to release movies on KScape

    That makes sense for movies that aren’t available anywhere but Saving Private Ryan is available in 4K on all streaming services I checked and on disc so it seems weird the rights owners would balk at releasing it on K. Anyway it is what it is.
  6. D

    Studio reluctance to release movies on KScape

    New K system owner here. Why are some very popular movies not available on K in 4K (and maybe HDR) but are available elsewhere? Are the studios still afraid of pirating or not understand how K works? I wanted to get Saving Private Ryan but it is only available in HD quality. I notice it was...
  7. D

    Terry Gilliam's "Brazil"

    Dang, I didn't notice that either. This is one of my favorite movies. Good thing I didn't get rid of my Blu-Ray disc looks like I'll still need it.